Laceweb News


Written 1997. Updated Sept, 2014.


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The Laceweb is spread throughout the SE Asia, Oceania, Australasia region and very quietly going about nurturing healing and wellbeing in remote places. This news page tells nothing of the wider Laceweb. It concentrates on some healing happenings on the margins.


Dec. 2014


Section D in the Homepage brings together a set of papers on links between Laceweb and evolving thriving futures. Some of these are new. Others date back to the 1960’s and 70s.


The paper Realising Human Potential explores ways for evolving and realising human potential – personally, interpersonally, communally, inter-communally, culturally and interculturally. It also explores accessing and increasing the capacity of the unconscious mind. Realising Human Potential.

Another new paper has been added called Experiential Learning. It draws upon Laceweb experience of working with groups in corporate environments as well as social and communal environments from the 1960s onwards.


Sept 2014


25 folk with a passionate interest in ConFest gathered in the Victorian Countryside beside Lake Goldsmith (currently green grass and covered in frost at dawn). This was an informal conference exploring a number of themes. One was personal and community wellness during ConFest. Another was on the Handbook handed out at the front gate to introduce first timers to the ways and spirit of ConFest.

There were also sacred ceremony, a laughter workshop, shared communal cooking and feasting and lots discussion. The venue was an old bluestone school house.


Another similar conference is planned for the site visit at Moulamein NSW, at the end of Sept 2014.

photo (1)

Some of the attendees


Saturday evening


End of the Laughter Experience

May through August 2014


A Page titled Significant Laceweb Documents guides folk to a number of Laceweb Documents that are landmarks in the evolving of Laceweb Action Research.


Laceweb Water Harvesting New Soil and Food Forests  provides glimpses of the ongoing work relating to fostering nature to thrive as a continuation of the Yeomans family’s work in the mid 20th Century.

A companion page is Evolving Natural Landscape Paradises.

A macro extension page is Thriving Nature – Thriving Human Nature


Action research continues on wellness related processes. Refer two new Papers:


o   Accessing Wellness

o   Healing Artistry, Gene Expression and Gene Modulation

o   Walking and Free Energy  


Also action research themes relating to Governance and Lore/Law has been rewritten as:


o   Declaration of Governance and Law


A careful reading right through the above paper is a precursor to macro action towards transforming wellness.


Nineteen Audio Tapes have been added to the Laceweb site.


Also e-books are also freely available:


Coming to Ones Senses - By the Way

A collection of 130 stories from life on wellness



Whither Goeth the World of Human Futures

A four volume E-book Biography of the Life Work of Dr Neville Yeomans


Easter ConFest April 2014

Workshop spaces called Laceweb, Mingles, Keyline and Connexion all appeared at the 2014 Easter ConFest gathering celebration festival at Moulamein in NSW, Australia. Laceweb Village also appeared. With over 5,000 attendees the workshop scene was the most active for over 25 years with 48 workshop spaces and 7 move informal spaces and 876 workshops available to attend.


2008-2014 POSTINGS

Laceweb networking has continued during this time period. Refusal to take compromising funding has meant that action has been slower, though never compromised.

Funding - Shortage of funds meant Laceweb has been off the Internet for a time. While seeking uncompromising funding, action continues, and ideas are emerging for fund generating via new-old ways of energy exchange. News of these is passing in the Networks.

Rumour Networking - Laceweb enablers continue to spread rumours of what is working through the Region and further afield with the open invitation to adapt healing ways to local contexts.

Resonant folk in the UK with links through Europe and Africa and further afield have begun networking and rumours exchange with Laceweb energy. UK folk are very interested in community mutual help for wellness as ways of supporting folk with mental strife in low and middle income communities and countries. Video and audio material has been forwarded. This has been discussed in international forums.

Keyline and Cultural Keyline - Action research continues on the link between Keyline and Cultural Keyline – the links between nature thriving and human nature thriving.

Macro-Program - As research into the outer reaches of talent in the Laceweb and following prompting from many places in the Region, Laceweb evolves a Model Macro-program for the Reconstituting of a Collapsed or Collapsing Society following Extegrity Guidelines. Laceweb involves local Fiji women natural nurturers in this Program who identify significant local unmet wellness needs. Laceweb also gains the free support of over 50 leaders from academic (to Professor level) and enterprise peak body areas in forming, with the support of these local Fiji Women the model Program. Laceweb develops for the Program an extremely detailed state-of-the-art Excel spreadsheet setting out all of the input and outflow projections for the first five years for evolving the start-up and organising and operating using Laceweb Way of five major new social enterprise industries (owned and operated by locals with support) with associated smaller cooperatives and small landholder livelihood projects, as well as a very substantial linked humanitarian mutual-help wellness action rollout. This Program has been the model for smaller Laceweb initiatives. Following urging from interested parties, this Program evolved to be assuming non-compromising seed funding of US$380 million. The financial crash ended funding possibilities. The Program experience, processes, documentation and way continues.

Fire Affected Area Support - Laceweb continues support to at risk people in the Region including local folk in fire affected areas in Victoria, Australia.

Laceweb at ConFest - Laceweb emerges again at ConFest the Conference Festival that commenced in 1976 with Laceweb Village and Mingles and associated Laceweb workshops. This gathering is in dry country in outback NSW Australia.

Evolving new soils  - Action research extends to fostering nature going massively into thrival mode in evolving new soils in quantity – using embodied subtle knowing, sensitivity, and subtle respectful relational energy evolving a particularly layered blending of cool decomposing organics and manures, colloidal charcoal, decomposed granite, basalt, quartz, and other minerals, disaggregated clays, pristine spring water (returned to memberance of its true nature so it no longer holds contamination), and trillions of soil organisms - some from the Yeomans’ farms and selected biodynamic farms throughout Australia. This makes certain what nature may take thousands of years to evolve – extra-ordinary soil in 7 to 8 weeks – from low cost materials that may be readily available in many places of the world. The Wellness of People and Earth is the Supreme Law. Making this soil with others is fundamentally healing – as in making whole. Refer Laceweb Water Harvesting New Soil and Food Forests

Re-emergence of Laceweb Homepage - When the Laceweb site dropped from the Internet around 1998 there were 69 papers on the Homepage. Action Research and writing has continued between 1998 and 2014 and the Homepage is reappearing with 105 papers in the Laceweb Archive. Now there is a very wide spread of action themes with the Laceweb attribute of weaving things together – both within the mode of writing of the papers, as well as by themes based hyperlinks within and between papers.

Healing Stories - Gathering of the healing stories and weaving them together and passing these on continue. In one energy, 130 stories from life were gathered and woven together to provide one entry into Laceweb Way.

The Well - In November 2013, Laceweb energised an Event called The Well at the Abbotsford Convent in Victoria – now a community space. Word went out through Laceweb networks, ConFest Link sites and other networks and Fifty people gathered at 3PM and engaged in Cultural Healing Artistry till 10PM.

Some of the wellness activities at The Well included:

o   sound, vocalising, mimicking sounds in nature (like the breeze in the trees), chanting and spontaneous choir

o   Awareness and transforming through moving

o   Healing arts (e.g. group mural depicting how we feel at 3:20PM and 9:50PM)

o   Shared feast

o   Mind-Body-Emotional Flexibility

o   Evolving good habits and flexibility - refer Flexibility and Habit

o   Profound Relaxing

o   Graceful moving

o   Social Relating

o   Healing Wellness Networking

o   Awareness of Healing Meta-process

o   Contemporary groove dance jam

o   Silent Disco (evolving at ConFest enabled by Laceweb Networks)

Abbotsford 1.jpg

Entrance to the Auditorium where The Well was energised

abbotsford 3.jpg

The Convent Lawns where we had our evening feast at The Well Event


Melbourne Linking - Bougainville person who has just completed a PhD travels to Melbourne to link with Laceweb networks for sharing experience of healing wellness ways that work. As a youth with his family, this person was caught up in the torture and trauma of the Bougainville Conflict. Following transforming experiences while in Melbourne, this person can now access memories from the Conflict without experiencing devastating emotion. Experiences embodied in Melbourne linking may be shared in fitting contexts in Bougainville. Refer Transforming The Whole of It 

Action Research – This continues in linking Neville Yeomans’ ways; Laceweb ways tapping into the rich traditions of indigenous healers in the Region (Oceania East Asia Australasia), the holistic ways of Moshe Feldenkrais, the ecological artistic wise adapting of NLP and the talent NLP draws upon – and all of this with the very latest understanding emerging from neuro-psycho-biological action research. What continues to emerge are processes introducing flexibility and choice in ways of being in the world with others – moving on from fragmenting disconnecting disintegrating states in embracing easy and potent ways transforming towards wellness with others. These understanding are threaded through pages in Laceweb. Others will be added to the Homepage in time.


From here on the postings are from March 1998 onwards.


10 March 1998 Posting

Ideas are evolving for a small gathering in Melbourne to form a Trauma Supporters Network for the SE Asia, Australia, Oceania Region. This is being mooted by mainstream trauma centres in Melbourne and Adelaide. A few people from Vietnam, the Philippines and Bougainville may be invited.

11 March 1998 Posting

Around 70 Bougainville residents of the Atherton Tablelands gathered in a Cairns park for a healing celebration. Another networking gathering is planned. The Gathering was hosted by The Bougainville Association in Cairns. Energy seems to be growing for a small group from these residents to explore healing ways so that they may be a resource group in supporting trauma survivors in Bougainville.

12 March 1998 Posting:

Laceweb Village was at the 1998 Easter ConFest and at the same location as New Year - the Eastern end of the main beach at the very end of the site from the front gate. Workshops took place with views of the Murray River as backdrop.

7 May 1998 Posting

Two new Laceweb pages

Two new Laceweb pages will be up on the Internet in the next few days. Healing Ways Encyclopaedia outlines an extensive array of healing ways gathered from the Laceweb over the years. Healing Group Processes outlines many of the processes that may be used by enablers in nurturing group processes. As well, there are brief descriptions of many micro-experiences for taking group action.

Laceweb Village - Easter ConFest

The Laceweb Village was a rich nurturing experience for over 200 participants. Three workshop areas were in regular use - two within marquees and one under the trees. The site overlooked a beautiful beach on the Murray River at Tocumwal NSW Australia.

A noticeboard describing Laceweb Action was set up at the ConFest Workshop Noticeboards. An estimated 2,000 people would have seen this noticeboard.

Many of the micro-experiences and processes in the two new Internet Homepages were explored at a number of workshops. Participants found that:

·         the healing ways were easy to use

·         the healing ways work!

·         they could easily pass the micro-experiences on to others

·         that these new people could also use them, get good results and easily pass them on!

Bougainville Association Inc. formed

A new group has been formed by Bougainville people in the Atherton Tablelands called the Bougainville Association Inc. It has held a number of meetings and arranged gatherings. Its aim is to provide support to healing action on Bougainville.

Attendance at International Trauma Gathering

A Bougainville Laceweb person is leaving this week to attend an international gathering on Support for Trauma being held in Scandinavia.

A Bougainville person who attended ConFest at the Bougainville Peace Signing

Indication received to say that all the signs for good progress towards a last peace were at the Peace Signing Ceremonies in Bougainville.

8 June 1998 Posting

A number of new Laceweb pages have been prepared and links have been placed on the Laceweb Home Page

29 June 1998 Posting

A number of new Laceweb pages have been prepared

The Trauma Proposal and the Micro-project has now been forwarded by the Bougainville Survivors of Trauma Association and by the Laceweb to a number of possible funding Bodies.

The Chairperson of the above Association has sent in a briefing paper to the Australian Government's Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade's, 'Inquiry into the Bougainville Peace Process'.

Australia Government recognises Bougainville Laceweb person with an award for contributions to the Bougainville peace process.

A Laceweb enabler is getting under way on Ph.D. research project exploring the evolving of the Laceweb as a small social movement. The oral history of the Laceweb will be documented and the practical outcomes of self help healing action.

17 July 1998 Posting

Regular healing sharing among Bougainville Families has commenced in Far North Queensland with weekly gatherings to explore various healing ways. Other festive gatherings are being planned with song, dance play and food to share.

A revised copy of the Trauma Proposal has been placed on the internet. This can be found through the Laceweb home page.

A fascinating case study has also been added to the Laceweb Home page. It's called Developing Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander Drug and Substance Abuse Therapeutic Communities

This study has many 'layers' to it. It sets out possible action processes. There are brief glimpses of the healing micro-experiences of Aboriginal elder Geoff Guest of Petford Aboriginal Farm. A seven day Gathering of over 80 Aboriginal and Islander nurturers from remote places was evolved. Also attending were Australian Therapeutic Community Association board members and Aboriginal Permaculture people and others. The Gathering was set up as a healing sharing. All manner of cross-cultural and intra-cultural conflicts, misunderstandings and 'sticky mess' quickly engulf everyone. Mob psychology, crowd manipulation, stampeding, power plays and dominant/dominated cultural ruptures abound. And in all of this goo there are magic moments and scope for potent understandings about intercultural healing.


Geoff Guest at Petford

16 Nov 1998 Posting

Some new pages have been added to the Laceweb home page. You may want to have a browse.

One is the Laceweb Macro Project for the SE Asia Oceania Australasia Region. It's called Laceweb - Self-Help Action Supporting Survivors of Torture and Trauma in SE Asia, Oceania and Australasia - Small Generalisable Actions

A short version of the previous page may be found at Short Version

Laceweb Research Update

In the mid sixties Neville Yeomans placed in Sydney Archives a collection of his Fraser House papers and other materials on Community Festivals and Community Healing Safety Projects. A Laceweb enabler has been researching these as Doctoral level studies on the Laceweb. Many of the people who were linked into this early healing action may be tracked and their healing memories may be gathered. Healing ways and processes may be placed on the net as they are prepared.

Laceweb Village at ConFest - 28 Dec 98 to 3 January 99

ConFest time again and the Laceweb Family Village will provide a place for sharing healing ways. Themes will be 'playfully celebrating life' and 'nurturing the child within'.


June 1999 Posting.

Laceweb energy hosts the celebrations in Cairns of the UN Day in Support of Trauma Victims.

Nov 1999 Posting.

A Laceweb enabler meets with Bougainville and other Islander people in Cairns. Ideas for a Trauma Healing Gathering in June 2000 are explored. Possibility of East Timorese and Hmong Vietnamese attending. Refer Evolving a SE Asia Pacific Self Help Trauma Support Intercultural Network - A Small Micro-Proposal .

Feb 2000 Posting.

Plans underway for Laceweb energy to again host the UN Day in Support of Trauma Victims in June 2000.

West Papuan people agree to join with Bougainvillian, East Timorese and Hmong Vietnamese people as hosts and participants at a proposed healing trauma gathering in June 2000.

Laceweb enablers to give an experiential Workshop at the Sixth International Conference on Holistic Healing organised by the Monash University Medical Faculty at Lorne Victoria. The theme is Sociomedicine and Sociotherapy. The background paper is Wounded Healers - Wounded Group


Lorne Victoria – The location of the Sixth International Conference on Holistic Healing

April 2000 Posting

Laceweb energy runs six gatherings during the East ConFest at Tocumwal NSW. Themes include - Healing Storytelling and The Healing Power of Love. Another theme was maintaining integrity in living with and without unpleasant behaviour. Many of the healing ways that may be shared at the Cairns gathering in June were explored with groups of up to 90 people in outdoor settings.

May 2000 Posting.

Invites to the proposed healing trauma gathering in Cairns during June 2000 have been extended to West Papuans, Aboriginal and Islanders, Bougainvillians, Bosnians, East Timorese and Hmong Vietnamese people. We are still seeking a suitable venue. It is proposed that the gathering will run from 17th to the 24th June.

July 2000 Posting.

Laceweb activity was intense in the Atherton Tablelands Region in Far North Queensland during the month commencing 17 June in support of the UN Peace Week and the 26 June UN Day in Support of Survivors of Torture and Trauma. Details have been posted on the Communal Ways for Healing the World Page under Timeline 2000 - 2001 (June - July).


On the Way up to the Atherton Tablelands in Far North Tropical Queensland

A Laceweb enabler was engaged in healing modelling of the Aboriginal Elder Geoff Guest. Some of this modelling has been posted at the new page The Healing Ways of Old Man - Geoff Guest. More will be added to this page.

Details and photographs about Geoff Guest's Salem Youth Camp have been posted.

A Page has been posted detailing a Macro-Plan for Developing all aspects of Wellbeing in the Se Asia Oceania Australasia Region - Self-Help Action Rebuilding Well-Being in the SE Asia Oceania Australasia Region - Exploring Possibilities For Small Generalisable Actions Among Disadvantaged Indigenous & Small Minority People.

Two poems by Neville Yeomans have been posted at Inma. 'INMA' is about the sense/feel of the Laceweb. 'On Where' is about a place for the emerging of Laceweb Inma energy.

2001 - 2002 Posting

Laceweb Village at ConFest. Healing Wellbeing Gatherings in Far North Queensland attended by Bougainvillians, Aboriginal and Islanders, West Papuans with Hmong and East Timorese attending related gatherings (refer Celebrating the Seventh Anniversary of the Small Island Gathering).

2002-2004 Posting

Enabler Action continues in the Region with local grassroots networks linking and sharing healing Wellbeing Ways (refer Cultural Keyline Chapter Thirteen). DTE funds Aboriginal elder of high degree to attend ConFest. Shares indigenous healing ways and wisdom.

2004 Posting

A Cambodian Nurturer funded by DTE to attend ConFest. - shares Cambodian healing ways and wellbeing artistry.

Oct 2005 Posting

PhD Research completed on the Life Work of Dr Neville Yeomans (refer Cultural Keyline). Two Filipino Nurturers funded by DTE to attend ConFest - share Filipino healing ways and wellbeing artistry including ways of the Southern Filipino Indigenous Lumad People.

2006/7 New Years ConFest Posting

Laceweb Workshop space again emerged at ConFest with a Mingles type gathering under lights. Sensory and Body approaches to wellbeing were explored. With DTE funding support 275 CDs were given to ConFest attendees on the history of ConFest and its links with wider action.

Feb 2007 Posting

Ideas evolved Mingles at the 2007 Easter ConFest in Moulamein, New South Wales in Australia. Mingles at ConFest emerged as a delightful shaded space overlooking the Edwards River. Energy is discussing having this open 24 hours a day with mood lighting in the evening. Perhaps free drinks and nibbles and bring food to share. Space of soft acoustical music - a poet’s corner and some folk are even talking of presenting a play in progress.



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Governments and the Facilitation of Community Grassroots Wellbeing Action


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