A Global Model

Unique Peoples


A Continually Evolving Transitional Document


Emerging in the early 1990s with precursors from the 1950s. 

Last update July 30th  2015.




This document is a skim of the extensive.





Email:        Feedback & Email


Internet:     Macro Project




Table of Contents








































This is an Exemplary Macro Project throughout The Australasia Oceania East Asia Region with Global implications is based on transforming people to wellness while transforming top soil and ground water to wellness - returning increasing environments to vibrancy sustaining the cities towns and villages it surrounds with extension to countryside countrywide.

The Macro Projects and associated Major Projects and Micro Projects’  foci on emerging thriving environments and people extends to evolving an extensive Network of Networks of people with highly evolved competences in supporting transformation in human relating towards evolving  a new caring harmonious peaceful Epoch on Earth.

The Macro Project recognises with resonant others that it is time  to look within our own hearts and be united in support of evolving a new Epoch on Planet Earth to assist every Woman, Child, and Man, and protect our planet, and start to create a world of peace, abundance and freedom, and to be at one with the environment.

It is time for us to live in love, peace, prosperity and harmony as One Big Family.

It is time for thriving nature and thriving human nature to blossom on Planet Earth in realising the essence of life








Unique Peoples is one of many Laceweb mutual-help functional matrices fostering wellness in all its forms in people and Earth.


‘Laceweb’ and ‘Functional Matrix’ are briefly discussed in Laceweb Concepts and Frames.


Unique Peoples began emerging in the 1970s with links to earlier similar action influence by ancient Indigenous Earth wisdoms of the Australasia Oceania East Asia Region resonant with One Source.



Declaration of Governance and Law for Unique Peoples’ values.





These values are enshrined in Unique Peoples Treaties including the Thriving Earth and People Treaty (TEPT).





Precursors emerged from Indigenous and resonant other sharing at the Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Earth Summit in 1992 and prior precursor networking.


This Macro Project emerged in the 1990s and is evolving through the Australasia Oceania Region with implications further afield.


For the discerning reader the links through this document provide grounding substance to what may appear to some as ethereal. However, everything is linked to embodied knowing of person and collective experience of what works in context.


These links also provide entry to resources and processes whereby this Macro Project may be supported, replicated, and adapted in other cultural geo-social contexts. The term ‘macro’ is from the original meaning: long and thin with connotations of continuing through time as lean vibrant wellness energy in action.



Action Research on this Unique Peoples Macro Project is

towards transitioning to a new Epoch on Earth.


(Epochal Transition)



Action Research on the Macro Project can be traced to the pioneering work of the Yeomans family in the 1950s on their farms Nevallan and Yobarnie inland from Sydney, Australia.


The father, PA Yeomans is recognised as the most significant pioneer in sustainable farming in the past 250 years (Mulligan and Hill 1981, P. 194; also refer: Permaculture cofounder David Holmgren’s letter in References Section).


PA’s son Neville is recognised globally as a pioneer in therapeutic community.


Extension research on the Yeomans Ways emerged out of a series of micro-projects as this Macro Project in the 1990s and may be furthered by a massive and ongoing funding injection.


For Unique Peoples values and way refer:


Naturally emerging from decades of Macro Project and wider Laceweb action research is a massive experience base through the Australasia, Oceania East Asia Region.


Refer: Precursor Macro Model from 2008 based upon Aus$380 million funding for reconstituting a collapsed society.


This precursor explored interfacing current models of the business life world with transforming to relational value in the social life world.


Also refer:


The UN Human Rights Commission (Geneva) funded Report on UNHRC funded Small Island Coastal and Estuarine Peoples Gathering in 1994.


This Gathering was held in Far North Queensland as a precursor micro-project example of transforming wellness and ability in people.


Also refer:

The Report on a Follow-on Gathering to this gathering.




This Macro Project assumes a hypothetical future world different to the present one and explores:


a)    Ways of being and acting that are ‘outside the square’. Refer an example of a resonant hypothetical realplay based upon the same future world:

b)    Ways of transforming nature and human nature to thriving wellness

c)    Ways of bridging between the present world and possible thriving future worlds


In this document tentative language is intentionally used (with expressions like ‘it may happen’ and ‘perhaps’) in recognising Peoples’ inalienable rights such that nothing happens unless people want it to happen. The document recognises the inalienable rights of people to have the say in what happens.


Refer: Declaration of Governance and Law. For the same reason, the document extensively uses the passive voice.


Rather than ‘We have planned this Program for you’ – saying something like, ‘The Project may take the following form if locals support and desire the Project and want to be evolving the Project, and involved and running it.’

The Macro Project tentatively draws upon the collective experience of a resonant network of networks of people who think and act ‘outside the square’. The form of the Macro Project rollout is outlined in this document. The Project’s tentativeness lends itself to being able to identify, support, collaborate and share funding with other resonant Major and Minor projects which further the thriving nature thriving human nature themes of the Macro Project.






The Proposal – Expanding an exemplary Macro Project evolving a Human Environment Revolution (HER) embracing thriving nature and thriving human nature through peri-urban farmland ringing large cities through the Australasia Oceania Region with wider implications, as a model Macro Project of Global applicability adapting to local contexts for the benefit of all people in addressing all manner of social issues at source including reducing system-based stress, homelessness, and violence in all its forms, creating humane caring alternatives to criminal and psychiatric incarceration and evolving nurturing community ways for wellness. Simultaneously, resonant linked major projects and micro projects are happening on the margins.



The Macro Project proposed here for funding assumes funders who are not typically present at the moment though also embraces a faith that a few are around that re-cognise value.

Ideas are evolving for the Macro Project where possible to be surrounding large city peri-urban areas with unique model properties. Around ninety percent of properties may be model food forest enabling environment habitat for well communities (with low food miles) and the rest can be city-forests; refer PA Yeomans writings (Yeomans, PA., 1971a, 1971b, 1974) about directing storm water and grey water for evolving city-forests strategically placed in the peri-urban and urban areas for developing HER (Human Environment Revolution).

These city forests may also be a source of colloidal humus as a key ingredient for use on all Macro Project properties, with capacity to seed other properties not immediately involved. Water seeping through the forests emerges as pure water. Refer PA Yeomans’ June 1976 speech titled ‘The Australian Keyline Plan for the Enrichment of Human Settlement’ given at the UN Habitat ‘On Human Settlements’ Forum in Vancouver, Canada (p. 5-6).




Excerpt from Chapter One of PA Yeomans’ City Forest book -               

Titled ‘HER’.



WE NEED A HUMAN ENVIRONMENT REVOLUTION (Ed. ‘HER’ – a feminine term). Not until there is health and harmony in all our landscapes can there be humanity and common sense in the society of man.

This book shows that the harmony of pure design in the landscapes of Nature has always been overlooked. It offers a simple extension of Nature's way for the design of the environment of man.



Excerpt from PA Yeomans’ son Dr Neville Yeomans’ words in the Forward to the City Forest (Yeomans, PA, 1971).

A major change in values and in behaviour is beginning to occur in Australia. For too long we have been exploiting both our continent and each other. Patterns of human living based on selfishness and ruthless competitiveness are becoming self-destructive. A new era is dawning--equality between the sexes, generosity in human relationships and honesty in negotiation. With this goes a respect for the environment that sustains us.

Humankind is a bio-social species. His biological survival depends on harmonious working with Nature. Harmony comes only when we give as well as take. Now we must re-humanise ourselves and share the fruits of our labour. The swing away from the mistakes of the chemical solution of biological problems is beginning. Natural food movements suggest we are searching for a healthier way. The growth of community groups in ecology, welfare, education and the arts suggest we want to become better and happier humans.

 It is our unique opportunity and duty to become the example to the rest of the world for that next step. In this process the Machine City must be replaced by the Human City. The exploited landscape must be husbanded with loving care. The soil which gives us life must be developed in its own living processes so that it grows richer year by year rather than poorer. The beauty and freedom of personal space depends on caring for the integrity of all our environment.



On loving and valuing HER - excerpts from Neville’s poem INMA:



Inma believes that Earth loves us and 
that we love Earth,


it believes that from the love and from
the creativity will come a new model for
the world of human future,


it believes that we have started that
future - now.






The Macro Project values Mother Earth and all People of Earth along with all living and non living things as ‘assets’ in the original sense of being precious, desirable, useful aspects of Planet Earth with extraordinary valuable qualities (‘asset’ from the Old French asse -  ‘sufficiency’, satisfaction, compensation’, noun use of adverb meaning ‘enough, sufficiently; very much, a great deal,’ from the Vulgar Latin ‘ad satis’ ‘to sufficiency’ from Latin ad- + satis ‘enough). Notice that the original flavour and feel of the term ‘asset’ is sufficiency and enough.



‘Sufficiency’ is at the heart an Indigenous story from the Kimberley Region in Australia that has been passed on to new generations for over 30,000 years. This story concerns a young Indigenous woman who abandons her baby while obsessed with nothing but digging for grubs to eat beyond her capacity to use. Years later when the woman wakes up to her self and at last thinks of her abandoned child, she abandons the pursuit of excess and retraces her steps to find and run sobbing to certain death and her son, now a mature man and skilled hunter, who has had no other contact with humanity, and with a well aimed stone he kills her as he would an annoying insect as he has grown up without learning compassion from its source, his mother - ancient wisdom for modern times where people disconnected from their humanity horde assets to excess and kill and harm without compassion because it’s in their ‘national’ interest.

Following asset, the Macro Project is in part showing profound interest in connecting with One Source values where ‘interest’ reverts to its origins, from the Latin inter esse – to enter into the essence or God Energy, rather than the current meanings, namely ‘interest’ as the price of debt, and ‘interest’ as in maintaining dominating status.

This Project, from Latin proiectum ‘something thrown forth’, entails a very large ‘M’ Macro. It also entails evolving people-contexts where nature and human nature thrive together.

The Macro Project has aspects that are timely, between time, on time, through time, in time, and timeless.




Indicative of Macro Project wisdom,                                                                      it is a natural property of water that when it is returned to its true nature, it will no longer hold contamination - amazing to see happening!



If one puts contamination in this water it falls immediately to the bottom; so with the Macro Project – embracing Nature’s wisdom in its fullness tends towards an extensive integrity that sustains transforming to wellness within cultures of continual improvement – it too no longer holds contamination.



This Macro Project is based on transforming people to wellness while transforming top soil to wellness & returning increasing environments to vibrancy sustaining the city it surrounds.



Cities may be selected as inter-people normative model areas (INMAs) in which to ramp up action. Prolonged action research has already been happening, with Inter-peoples Normative Model Areas evolving in a number of localities. This follow-on to existing located action research is for allowing a quicker start in furthering this unique transformational Project. Distributed networks of experience provide scope for multiple location roll-out throughout the Region, with interest further afield. For example, folk are monitoring current action in the Region from the UK, East Asia, Oceania, European Union and Africa. Folk from over 140 countries are beginning to share Laceweb ways.

An associated Archive has received over 232,000 hits in the past year from folk in 140 countries with downloads of over 11,200 E-Books relating to Unique People’s action

The land acquired through the Macro Project may remain recognised as part of abundant ‘wealth’ of the people of the region and hence ‘owned’ in common (in contrast to, for example, in Australia where ‘public’ land, designated ‘Crown’ Land ‘belongs’ to the City of London, not the monarch or Australians). The Macro Project land may become ‘Peoples’ Land. Currently, such a land title category doesn’t exist in Australia, (though ‘Native’ Title and ‘Customary’ Title may come close – and those also come with overlays restricting options and action, and criticism linking customary tenure arrangements with low money generating following the ‘economic imperative’ – like ‘obsessing with acquiring grubs’ discussed previously). Till such a Peoples’ Land title category is set up in various locations, land acquired under the Macro Proposal may be placed in Unique Peoples Trust set up with an Extegrity Board (Extegrity : extensive integrity).

The values of Extegrity are set out in

For an example of an Extegrity Board, refer:

The properties may emerge as global exemplar models, a source of knowledge and soil assistance to the Region as well as wider afield for peoples wanting support to replicate and adapt the Macro Project Action; evolving places for regrowth of people and top soil of their own making towards a Human Environment Revolution.



The Macro Project’s focus on thriving people extends to evolving an extensive Network of Networks of people with highly evolved competences in supporting transformation in human relating towards evolving a new caring peaceful harmonious Epoch on Earth.



The Macro Project may be a possible organic source for starter top soil, humus and bio-mass for other areas of the Australasia Oceania East Asia Region and the World. Unique Peoples networks already extend throughout the Region and are active. Refer:




Relational connecting precursors to the Macro Project spread in part through physical gathering – the geo-social – the meeting and celebrating of hearts’ passion and minds potential at gatherings; for example, the Indigenous Forum of the Earth Summits, forums of UNPO (Unrepresented Peoples and Nations Organisation) at the Hague, during inter-church gatherings, and during UN Indigenous Permanent Forum meetings and UN Indigenous Rights working groups meetings, and during further opportune moments. Advancing dialogues on global futures is happening and spreading at the margins of the old epoch.

The Macro Project is readily adapted to differing contexts and can be replicated in other places to support local people and environments transforming towards wellness while developing or extending their own food forests and natural forests and other environments. This Macro Project is in the spirit of wellness reflecting the Supreme Law – the Wellness of People and Earth - something that will be a legacy helping to regenerate Earth and her peoples after, or hopefully before disasters, for generations to come.


The Macro Project Action has potential to rollout simultaneously in multiple differing locales and cultures so as to cross-fertilise wellness ways for the betterment of all peoples of Planet Earth.


The Macro Project also embraces and supports a returning to thriving nature and thriving human nature in post-disaster contexts. Refer reports of the extensive action research:


Preparing for and Responding Well to Disasters


Report from the Pikit War Zone


 (and linked Internet material) prepared in its first draft for the UNICEF Regional Office in SE Asia Pacific, and for the University of Philippines.


Actions that work are passed on to others in differing locales for adapting to their local contexts. With the theme ‘Thriving Nature, Thriving Human Nature’, folk  involved in the Macro Project engage in themes-based mutual-help actions evolving and bringing to life their own visions and sub-projects on the various properties and associated aspects in the process of re-reconstituting themselves to thriving wellness in all its forms as they together continue supporting nature to reconstitute to thriving wellbeing in adherence with the three (3) principles of Universal Common Law: 1) Do no harm, 2) Cause no loss, 3) Do not impede or infringe upon the freedom of another.




In all of this Locals may form and engage in what are called Local Area Mutual Providence Societies or LAMPS. In LAMPS folk in a local area pool their common wealth of funds for mutual cooperating rollout of Wellbeing Action. Participants have a mutual say about sourcing and applying funds. Those with access to larger funding sources distribute funds some of the funds to LAMPS. The future equivalent of present ATMs, E-Banking, and debit cards with restricted drawdown of purchases with limited or no cash withdrawals provides integrity frameworks for applying funding to wellbeing works. In this there is nested networking so that even very large funds (of whatever currency) may flow throughout Macro Project action with impeccable integrity. Integrity Oversight of all funds flow and use is an integral aspect woven into every aspect of Macro Project Structure and Process. Those attempting to further narrow self interest at others expense soon walk away as they quickly find they cannot get their hand in the till.



The Macro Project spawns multiple linked Major Projects and local Micro Projects



'Well and Wellness'


In this document the words 'Well and Wellness' are used for the experience of wellness in the Illness-Wellness Continuum. What constitutes wellness may vary considerably between different cultures, communities and people in their varied habitat and context. Laceweb action research has been exploring the experience of wellness in the Indigenous cultures of East Asia Oceania Australasia Region with associated networking and sharing of wellness ways among cultural and intercultural healers and resonant others. For example, in 2005, this action research through University of Philippines with the support of UN-Inma brought together in the Philippines countryside forty nine natural nurturers/healers from eleven countries in the East Asia Oceania Australasia Region for Regional Emergency Psychosocial Support Network August 2004 Regional Consultation Workshop with funding support from UK.



Forms of wellness may include (in no particular order) communal, cultural, physical, family, clan, inter-family, personal, interpersonal, spiritual, emotional, psychological, habitat, relational, village, inter-village inter-religious, financial, inter-clan, safety and security, geo-social, environ-mental, inter-faction, economic, and inter-cultural wellness. Generalised wellness flows from the interaction of the above forms. At core there is re-connecting with Being and Being Well, along with Being Well in the World, and Being Well in the World with Others and a commencing  of all this is as simple and as profound as awareness of Awareness of breathing and moving and processes that work are available for all of this.



Expansion of the Macro Project requires non-compromising funding.


Compromising funding is not acceptable and will not be accepted.




Macro Project Guidelines:


1.    Funder(s) fund the Macro Project

2.    All parties linked to the Macro Project undertake to ensure the integrity, safety, and security of all Unique Peoples’ Macro Project People and other local people involved in the Macro Project.

3.    Unique Peoples’ Macro Project People and other resonant local people carry out:


a.    Macro Project Rollout,

b.    Sustained ongoing action research and documenting of the Rollout

c.    The arranging of competent people of integrity to monitor finance in ways ensuring Clause 2 undertakings.


4.    Humanitarian (loving, nurturing caring) people and entities from wider Unique Peoples’ Networks of Extegrity (Extensive Integrity) skilled in participatory self-help mutual-help action monitor ethics and nurturant process of the Macro Project and linked Major and Micro Projects

5.    Resonant independent wise heart centred folk carry out/monitor integrity research; the research to be benchmarking, assessing and action in approach; people of impeccable integrity are available for this role (refer References in the Attachment)

6.    Disadvantaged Indigenous, Small Minority, and Marginalised people assist in developing good results

7.    The principles of balanced wide representation of stakeholder entities can be continuously explored.


The search for Macro Project land commences with funding.



Starter biomass, humus and other colloids for the Macro Project                   have already been accumulated in ongoing action research,                          and ways to vastly increase these have also been evolved and tested.





Water Harvesting New Soil & Food Forests


Evolving Natural Landscape Paradises


Community Wellness Ways that work have also been evolved and replicated many times over the decades. One or more experiential learning facilities extending to experiential field work may be established in expanding the Macro Project rollout in the Region as a model for the World.


Expanding the Macro Project embraces resonant people to ensure that what is like a beautiful, delicate, and fragile flower may grow to strong maturity; and these resonant people are essentially self select by passion in becoming involved and employed on the food forests and wider aspects. A friends and volunteers network is expanding, fostered by gatherings like the one in the Philippines in 2005. Refer: Regional Emergency Psychosocial Support Network August 2004 Regional Consultation Workshop


The strategically located experiential learning facilities may provide scope in extending competence-based experience, knowledge and understanding spreading in reaching and involving the general public; supporting the reconnecting of locals in thriving community, and involving people in taking back ability over their lives. Refer: This has been evolving epochal transition – refer:





Significant changes in global structures and processes will necessitate a need for massive numbers of transformational enablers and the Macro Project is well placed to support this need.






The Macro Project is integrally linked to over fifty years of action research evaluating the evolving of natural processes beneficial to world survival.




Over the decades, work on evolving the Macro Project has been well documented and peer reviewed eco-naturally by world best practice soil ecologists and eco-socially by world best practice Indigenous mindbody healers, transcultural psychologists, clinical sociologists, and non-drug community psychiatrists (refer some examples in References in the Attachment).


The success of the experiential learning facilities and actual real environments showing processes for world-wide sustainability will be accompanied by documenting and archiving of the processes, methods and research behind the transforming methods.


As all properties are differing contexts, there’ll be many differing habitats and examples of food forests and mini forests to inspire the world.




Substantial documented Macro Project action as proof of efficacy will be emerging from commencement with the integral benefits clearly visible within twelve months that can be shared with the World.






The place to start the Human Environment Revolution is with the people in their differing environments.


This Macro Project recognises that while all people share a macro life world in common, human life tends to be chunked into three discernable life world realities:


(a)  The political life world of governance – currently a relatively few people are immersed in this world, though all are effected, regulated, controlled by it and have little or no say in it


(b)  The economic life world – large numbers are immersed in this world, being controlled through debt, regulation, marginalisation and exclusion


(c)  The social life worldeveryone is immersed in this world of everyday life though masses are dysfunctional, disconnected, alienated from others, and marginalised and excluded on the edges of society. Experiences shows that the marginalised and excluded turn out to be good places to commence transforming human environment action towards new social life ways as they have had the existing system ‘knocked’ out of them



Some People of discernment have been writing proposals for the political life world - governance under sectorised foci. Others are recognising the wisdom of exploring holistic systems approaches to providing services. Some are beginning to explore how these holistic approaches may interface, coordinate, and cooperate with sectorised service delivery. Another concern is interfacing service delivery with peoples of Earth transforming through their own mutual help Ways. How may governments facilitate grassroots mutual-help action? Refer: Governments and Facilitating Grassroots Action.


People acting together in mutual help are taking back ability over their own lives towards evolving governance of their own making. Also refer: Equipping Politicians and Governments to Work well in Radical Modernity


People are also energising proposals for re-purposing in the economic life world; re-purposing corporations, using experience, competencies, psycho-social and other resources to repurpose land, buildings, existing systems etc. while transitioning away from a profit motive in providing goods and services; interfacing well with common folk engaging in mutual help with others of humanity. Other folk are exploring modern versions of a very old concept Local Area Mutual Providence Societies (LAMPS).


Some people are fostering the emergence of understanding of all people of the new system by the people and for Peoples to gain the ability to be implementing transforming action. Some people of wise discernment recognize the inalienable rights of all people of Earth as One People to determine how we live our lives with others and that we are all equal custodians of the planet and her resources. Refer: Governance and Law.


Consistent with this, Wise Elders on the margins sense that this reconnecting with compassion and integrity in reconnecting with others in transforming understanding and gaining of ability is already well under way and is taking place in the Social Life World at the margins with the common folk exploring new forms of relating well together with compassion rather than preoccupation with power, and this transforming shows potential of spreading to affect the economic life world and the political life world – refer:


This understanding and increasing ability is emerging from mutual-help action – where local folk, acting singularly or together within small groups or within small and extended networks or collectively are engaging in what has been termed Community Mutual-Help Action for Wellbeing in all of its forms. This term is sometimes shortened in this document to ‘Community Action’ or just ‘Action’ to minimise repetition. In this Action people are now freely establishing their own forms of self-governing systems – new forms of governance in working for the greater good of all people of Earth.






New Social Phenomena

The Fastest Growing New Social Movement on the Planet

Informal Networks and New Social Movements 

Realising Human Potential





This Macro Project is for funding with Top Up. For context, Australia is a vast country and in the driest inhabited continent, it’s easy to have a big thirst. And at many a wayside road-stop travelers can get a cup of tea or coffee in what is called an endless cup. You can have a Top Up as often as you like. In future possible worlds where the common wealth of people is returning to all people, there is scope for Macro Projects transforming the wellness of the social life world with integrity to have ‘endless cup’ funding for returning people to being living assets of value living sustainably in sufficiency. From growing ability, understanding and discernment, all people can exercise well their inalienable rights to evolve political and economic life worlds of their own collective making based upon care, compassion, and respect for valued difference.



Declaration of Governance and Law.


Criteria for funding the Macro Project.




The ‘Endless Cup’ is linked to sufficiency, transparency, and impeccable integrity.


Laceweb experience is that those hovering around seeking to rort, scam, exploit, commit fraud, and misappropriate turn away                                       when no opportunity exists.




Macro Project Action is accompanied by personal responsibility for all those involved. It also involves meticulous documenting. Laceweb experience of the evolving of a Model Macro Project embraced the use of Excel version 1997-2003, with sixty two pages of meticulous detail including all of the insurance schedules. European and North American reviewers deemed the financials and other documentation state-of-the-art.


Competences extended to risk sharing, risk management, harm minimisation, actuarial, underwriting, large money investment, large project, management in the age of radical modernity. Refer: Equipping Politicians and Governments to Work well in Radical Modernity.


In moving beyond a tricky world that owns and hides understanding for advantage of the few obsessed with accumulating massively beyond need and sufficiency, the Macro Project can freely share what works and use and adapt the wisdom, experience and competence from round the world. During transitioning on Earth, sharing without exploitation and worse by the few is tricky.





Given the parlous state of the world’s agricultural and farming top soils and wider terrain, as well as the lack of wellness in humanity at large, Unique Peoples (refer: Declaration of Governance and Law) have been evolving processes supporting both nature and human nature to thrive dating back to the 1950s in NSW, Australia.






Also refer other homepage references; and refer References in the Attachment.






The Macro Project entails energising HER – The Human Environment Revolution - evolving and sustaining well people living in well communities using processes that foster the evolving of networking among people spreading valued ways of living well together with other people (spreading like underground mushroom Mycelium)





      image002mycelium 2.jpg


         Friend Networking                                Mycelium

Passing News of What Works


Other Aspects:


a)    Evolving and sustaining very fertile top soils with abundant humus, colloids (including colloidal charcoal - refer sample in the palm of a hand in, soil organisms and organic material (bio-organic), and  mineral content -  (processes speeding up 1,000-plus years of chance growth in nature


b)    Evolving and renewing abundant life food and preparing this well for consumption


Lifefood Recipe Book : Living on Life Force - David Jubb


c)    Food and other organic waste recycling


The Yeomans family action researched Keyline during the mid 1950s–1970s and this work has been adapted within Permaculture (See David Holmgren’s reference letter) and massively extended by Laceweb Micro and Macro Project action research on Keyline, Cultural Keyline, holistic biomimicry and bio-organisms within ecology and social ecology framing from the mid 1990s to the present (refer: Professor Stuart Hill reference letter). The Macro Project has demonstrated efficacy and awaits large funding support. Capacity is available for immediate commencement of expanded rollout.



 small segment of the original farm

One glimpse of issues facing Earth is the intrusion of the urban sprawl already asphalting over 30% of one of the Yeomans properties where they pioneered Keyline practice – properties that many believe should have heritage status as they are world best practice in situ models of new fertile soil creating and water harvesting.

This soil may well have some of the best examples of soil organisms on the planet. Although the properties are no longer owned by the Yeomans they are self organising systems that continue to thrive.


To find these Yeomans properties on Google Maps look for where Bells Line of Road ends in North Richmond NSW, Australia – the properties are on the West of that road on both sides of Redbank Creek.


PA Yeomans son Neville completed interdisciplinary studies in biology, medicine, psychiatry, psychology and sociology before completing studies in law and becoming registered as a law practitioner with the High Court of Australia. Neville extended his father’s work in supporting nature thrive to supporting human nature thrive. In this he extended his father’s processes in working well with land topography to working well with social topography in the social life field. Neville  engaged in geo-social studies – sensing how the land lies between people while pioneering therapeutic community and relational mediating, mediating therapy and peacehealing in Australia.



o   Therapeutic Community Pioneers

o   Monograph on Neville Yeomans life work

o   Whither Goeth the Law - Humanity or Barbarity

o   Relational Mediation and the Daughter on Bail Story

More specifically, the Macro Project embraces Cultural Keyline – Neville’s extension of his father’s work - for loosening up the mind sets of the common people and supporting them in mutual help transforming towards the Human Environment Revolution - transforming mind and body through experiencing, embodying and understanding healthier life-ways as they are involving and evolving transforming soil – and transforming folk tend to pass on valued ways of living out into the wider world - following Marcuse (1964) alienated people using healing (as in making whole again) artistry in mediating and transcending alienation to new forms of connecting and relating.

Transforming top soil back to its true bio-organic mineralised nature leads to food with stronger life force. The herbs, fruit and vegetables emerge nutrient dense and thus the human body absorbs a full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes required for our immune system and overall general health and wellness



A Story from Life

Changing nothing but what was on offer in the school canteen stops civil disobedience and harm! Since 1997, Principal LuAnn Coenen at Central Alternative High School in Appleton, Wisconsin has reported a figure of zero dropouts, student expulsion, and for students discovered using drugs, carrying weapons and committing suicide - zero. These problem behaviours simply disappeared when a wholesome diet was introduced and the worst chemical additives were removed (Jubb, A & D, 2003).




Later, the Macro Project can extend to returning the landscape back to heritage and in time, old growth forestry. The Macro Project processes used in generating thriving soil replicates what may take chance occurrence in nature 1000s of years to evolve. Macro Project processes create contexts where people are supported in community mutual-help processes for wellbeing wherein they in turn can support nature to do the soil change-work in nine weeks or less! In the process, organic waste can be included rather than going to landfill or polluting rivers and oceans. The Macro Project processes ensure that people evolve wellness cultures supporting thriving top soil that is constantly regenerating and hence both people and top soil remain thriving through time. And the processes evolve people with experience in relating well in cooperative action based upon caring respect for each other and respect for difference.




The Macro Project can be a major resource of finding and evolving change agents for supporting communities and societies around the world towards re-constituting wellness of their own making in resonance with the Thriving People and Earth Treaty.





The process entails:


o   Transforming people and Earth towards thriving

o   Joining together in Celebration Gatherings

o   Harvesting water and transforming it so it is pure in its nature

o   Generating bio-organisms, humus, colloidal charcoal and living colloid inoculants

o   Utilising waste products

o   Processing and structuring the soil to utilise the inoculants

o   Planting food for humans and all local life forms in phase to create a dense multi-layered forest environment filled with life abundance – from the micro to the macro

o   Planting nut and fruit trees and forest trees; seed harvesting and distributing

o   Generating food, housing and medicinal products from the forest

o   Distributing the food and other materials such as humus, bio-organisms and colloidal charcoal

o   Continually evaluating, and documenting action research, as well as archiving and distributing news of practical replicable, adaptable actions that work


Time line goals to create the differing environments happen within stages.


The first stage:          Transforming soil

The second stage:   Planting out with forestry and food crops within 2 years

The third Stage:        The forestry height within 15 to 20 years


The rollout process while having a stage-by-stage rollout – also has many aspects that are running in tandem with each other as it is fundamentally an integrated inter-connected inter-dependent total system transforming processes.


First milestonePurchasing/long-term leasing enough land in the peri-urban arc around the urban edge to satisfy the food needs for a large city (low food miles) with outreach to other property owners, particularly food growers


Second milestone – Starting with and running parallel with the first milestone, finding and evolving experience and competence in resonant people experienced and competent to support others to be more able and engaging these others in passing on their experience and competence to yet other people who are resonant with supporting the Macro Project rollout to benefit the wider people of the region.


Third milestone – Running parallel with the Second Milestone, properties receiving a Keyline design makeover consistent with the land’s topography, with the local context including weather conditions taken into account. Offering to provide free of charge makeovers to neighbouring farms, particularly food growers.


Fourth milestone – Emerging during the completion of milestones two and three, developing biomass and inoculants in quantity and storing at strategic locations such that one metre of thriving top soil covers the properties.


Fifth milestoneEvolving food forests and forestry


Sixth milestone – Throughout the rollout, the full process being photographed, documented and mapped so that Ways that work can be passed on to other people, replicated, placed, and adapted around the globe.


Seventh Milestone – Throughout the rollout and contributing to thrival states are both internal and external evaluating and system-wide feedback continually occurring and woven into the process through rumour networks that are continually passing on news of what is working and not working throughout Macro Project action. Refer: Research as Therapy in Chapter Nine Cultural Keyline.




Emeritus Professor Stuart Hill

                                    Foundation Chair of Social Ecology – University of Western Sydney

(CV in Appendix A)



I write and offer support for The Thriving Human Nature Macro Project – green cities, environmental remediation, and deep social ecology methods supporting return to wellness in polluted Environments and Communities.

The Macro Project draws upon ecological and social ecological pioneers in extending understandings of fast-tracking what takes nature 1000s of years to achieve.

I have worked closely with Macro Project Developers over the past ten years. I highly commend their work.

Emeritus Professor Stuart Hill



Letter from David Holmgren – Cofounder of Permaculture


HOLMGREN DESIGN SERVICES                                                          


16 Fourteenth St, Hepburn Victoria. 3461

Phone: 03 53483636


Web site:               

The source of Permaculture vision and innovation


Statement of Support


The properties known as Yobarnie and Nevallan at North Richmond represent heritage sites of local, national and international heritage significance. Despite years of neglect, the Keyline systems implemented by P.A. Yeomans in the 1950’s and 1960’s are still largely intact and functional.


In the research work that I did with Bill Mollison in the 1970’s developing the Permaculture concept, we identified the Keyline system of landscape analysis, soil development and water harvesting developed by P.A. Yeomans as the only example (in the world) of modern functional landscape design that provided a precursor to Permaculture as ecologically functional landscape design. The teaching of Keyline within Permaculture Design Courses has spread the awareness and application of Keyline around the world over the last 25 years beyond that achieved by the extensive documentation in books, film and other media by Yeomans in the 1950’s and 60’s. The North Richmond properties featured strongly in all of that teaching and documentation and as a consequence have iconic status that should be celebrated as national landscape treasures. While awareness of the importance of these heritage sites within the local and general community might not be great, within the global networks of ecological sustainable land and water use, these properties are icons of international importance. They should immediately be given the highest protection as national heritage sites because this is where P.A. Yeomans actually developed the Keyline system.

Any development on these sites should conserve, maintain and utilize the Keyline water harvesting and management system as a basis for any settlement pattern. Any development that destroyed the Keyline system would be vandalism that would reflect badly on the N.S.W. planning system and more generally on Australians’ understanding and respect for the greatest work of one of our ecological pioneers.




David Holmgren, Co-originator of the Permaculture concept


3rd, March 2009



up logo.jpg     Professor Violeta Bautista 

Clinical Psychologist Psychology Department  -  University of Philippines, Quezon, Philippines



I have worked and co-facilitated workshops and gatherings with people of the Macro Project in both the Philippines and Australia. These have covered areas of clinical, social and community psychology and clinical sociology. The Macro Project is a World pioneer in community psychiatric practice, grassroots wellbeing mutual support action, as well as being innovative in evolving psychosocial emergency response networks.

I have experienced personally the potency of the Macro Project’s large group (200) work, witnessed the sensitive and profound psychotherapy and experienced the extended community networking the Macro Project has played a significant role in evolving.

A number of my work colleagues at the University have worked alongside Macro Project people in various contexts through the SE Asia Oceania Australasia Region and have provided strong support for this work.

I am familiar with ‘Cultural Keyline’. This model may be used as a framework for working well with complex inter-connected inter-related, and inter-dependent social phenomena.

Professor Violeta Bautista



Text Box:  Elizabeth Protacio-De Castro, Ph.D.


Psychosocial Trauma and Human Rights Program

Center for Integrative and Development Studies

University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

Presentation at an international Labour Organisation Conference in Kathmandu, Nepal 11-14 June 2002


Creating a Healing Environment - Psycho-Social Rehabilitation and Occupational Integration of Child Survivors of Trafficking and Other Worst Forms of ChildLabour


Integrating Indigenous Knowledge and Practices into Psychosocial Help and Support for Child Survivors of Trafficking and Sexual Abuse


Excerpt from Professor Elizabeth Protacio-De Castro’s presentation:


There is a little known Australian social movement that dates back to the 1940s known as The Laceweb. It is an informal network of Indigenous psycho-social healers that is spreading throughout Southeast Asia, Oceania and the Australasian region. It is presented as an example of using self-help, mutual support groups in resolving problems of well-being. Well-being means the experience of wellness and not simply the absence of disease.













I would like to write and offer our support for Enabling Environments methods being used in the above Macro Project supporting return to wellness in polluted Environments and Communities.

As a result of twelve years work in Enabling Environments in the UK and overseas (including Australasia), we have found that the best definition of the work is by identifying the values upon which it is based.

We would be very interested in the extent to which our ‘values-based standards’ could be used as a benchmark of rigour and quality in this proposed Macro Project. We are also developing a quality award for ‘emotionally intelligent’ psychosocial environments (the “Enabling Environments Award”) and would be keen to pilot its use in these Macro Project settings.

In the event that this collaboration is not practicable or possible, we would wish the Macro Project proposals the very best of good fortune in helping to mend lives and environments severely affected by pollution.


signature cthru

Dr Rex Haigh MA (Cantab) BM BCh (Oxon) FRCPsych Memb Inst GA

Consultant Psychiatrist, Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Project Lead, Positive Environments, Royal College of Psychiatrists

Chair, Growing Better Lives, Community Interest Company

Senior Fellow, Institute of Mental Health, Nottingham University




        EE logo

        Community of Communities







Further information:




Everyone continually evaluating from moment to moment is an integral aspect of Macro Project holistic action. There is also external evaluating by resonant people experienced in holistic nurturing wellbeing processes including Enabling Environments people from the UK (refer Dr Rex Haig reference and offer) and experienced people from Extegrity Networks experienced in integrity oversight of action towards reconstituting societies in ways consistent with the Declaration of Governance and Law document. For background on the term Extegrity from ‘Extensive Integrity’, refer: Extegrity is a process and a network of wise elders of high degree who may provide eco-integrity oversight.


Refer example in: a model project with Extegrity Network people providing integrity oversight.




Finding a suitable backer that understands our unique integral approach to solving a terminal issue in the world; not looking for recognition - just a need to get the job done (a saying – ‘when is the best time to plant a tree - 20 years ago’); this Project needs expanding sooner rather than later.




The Macro Project is based upon a strong belief that there are people still left in the world who do care enough to energise a very ecological transforming away from current systemic atrophy.





A.   Acquiring ownership or long-term lease of farm/agricultural properties around the peri-urban arc surrounding cities. Existing land owners may embrace involvement, particularly food growers. The land acquired can remain recognised as part of abundant ‘wealth’ of the people of the region and hence ‘owned’ in common (in contrast to ‘Crown’ Land, it becomes ‘Peoples’ Land. As such a land title category does not currently exist, land acquired under the Macro Proposal is to be placed in Trust with Extegrity as Trustee – refer:


B.   Acquiring, adapting or creating relevant plant and machinery for all aspects of the rollout including Keyline works, soil de-compacting aerating, new soil generating, establishing food forests, forestry, and restoring environments post mining and de-mining. 

C.   Linking Laceweb network people with the Permaculture community and resonant other peoples desirous of being involved in the Macro Project as paid or voluntary participants so that Macro Project expansion has a ‘flying start’ by initially working with the ‘free’ energy of passionate people. Initially, the people who become involved and immersed in the Macro Project are resonant people who are networked with and receive experiential immersion and induction into the various communities and who essentially self select by passion in becoming involved and employed on the various aspects of the Macro Project through engaging in experiential co-learning in healing community action – themes: thriving nature and thriving human nature using well evolved processes that work – (refer the David Holmgren letter in References, as well as action research on community healing (‘healing’ as in making whole again) from 1959 onwards:









These property communities may emerge as hubs using community mutual-help action for wellbeing for spreading values and ways to the wider community. Increasing numbers of people may become involved, locating and providing learning experiences to other resonant people paid to work and live in community on these properties who, consistent with the Keyline Design, and with Laceweb enabler support, reconstitute themselves together as they evolve their own Enabling Environments. Energising experiential co-learning in healing community action – themes: thriving nature and thriving human nature using well evolved processes that work (refer references above). Later, other people become attracted by what they see and eat. Enabling Environments provide a milieu supporting a community to:


1.    Evolve social cohesion and unite

2.    Identify its own resources and resilience ways (refer:

3.    Engage in mutual-help and self-help activities

4.    Become more self-reliant and resilient

5.    Work together in taking back ability over their lives

Collaborating with sensitive architects and landscape design folk supporting them in designing their own housing and other buildings, and landscaping the properties as Enabling Environments (refer Dr Rex Haig’s offer  in his Reference letter (Haigh, R., 2012).

Laceweb, Keyline, and Cultural Keyline Ways have extended Permaculture, eco-farming and organic farming ways especially in linking nature and human nature, in part through biomimicry. Laceweb Way is also resonant with the Greencare Movement in the UK and spreading through the European Union where people with mental stress and strife heal through organic farm stays and work. Dr Rex Haig (refer references) links with this movement (Haigh, R., T, Harrison, R. Johnson, S. Paget, & S. Williams, 2012). In keeping with the inalienable rights of people, folk involved in the properties jointly and severally may evolve their own way of local governance, for example: principles regarding:

1.    use of living spaces on the properties and

2.    becoming after a time entitled to life ownership of a living space on the property

3.    this living space may be later sold according to mutually agreed criteria, for example, first offer to sell to another who has been working on the property and on an ‘entitled people’ waiting list

Gatherings, celebrating, festivals, food and materials swap and market days and the like add opportunities for people from differing communities to meet, share and network – refer:

Also refer the link: ConFest and the Next 250 Years that provides an overview of ConFest – An Alternative Living Conference Festival that commenced in Australian Capital Territory under influence of Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister Dr Jim Cairns.

Carrying out experiential co-learning in healing community action – themes: thriving nature and thriving human nature using well evolved processes that work.

All of the above fosters the emergence of understanding among the folk becoming involved in or connected with or exposed to the Macro Project – understanding and experience of the new system by the people and for these folk to gain the ability to be implementing the new system as they go about their daily lives.

A scan of the Internet reveals there are myriads of networks and groups around the world engaged in valued exploring of better futures and these may in time be linked in transforming action.



Text Box:

Keyline Processes including water harvesting, linked strategically placed dams, water channels linking dams to lower dams, irrigating channels, and wetlands. Fostering aquatic life and water birds for the Joie de vivre (joy of life) of nature and abundant sustainable food source. As an example, Balinese rice growers had abundant fish, fresh water shrimp and ducks in their rice fields till super rice and artificial fertilisers killed them all and gave the Balinese folk cancer till they reverted back to their traditional way. A Laceweb initiative using Keyline processes fostered nature transforming a foul smelling blocked up anaerobic swamp in coastal paperbark forest wetlands into a crystal wetlands and clear lake system, edged with water reeds with a flow-through stream that within days was filled with abundant water-based life, with water lilies appearing extraordinarily fast buzzed by abundant dragonflies providing more Joie de vivre.







Use of water purifying processes that returns water to its true nature so that it will no longer hold contamination.



All water on the properties would be so processed including water for humans, soil, and all life forms. Contaminated land and water would also be processed where applicable; for example restoring wellness to environments in applying the Macro Project to restoring land affected by mining or exploded and unexploded ordnance, including non-destructive modes of removing ordnance and toxic materials.



D.   New Fertile Soil generating process (over a metre deep in 9 weeks  or less - initially in the best ‘pockets’ and extending right through to broad-acre) using Macro Project processes evolved since the pioneering work of PA Yeomans in the 1950-1970 period and extended in action research from the late 1990s.








For the lay person, soil rich in bio-organisms may have well over a trillion organisms of thousands of differing kinds in a teaspoon of soil. This type of soil can have food growth of many orders of magnitude over degraded soils. Every step in the process is enhanced:


a)    Robust plants

b)    Less attack by Pests and harmful:

                                                                                              i.    Moulds

                                                                                            ii.    Fungi

                                                                                           iii.    Yeasts


c)    Ease of transport of quality crisp/firm fruit and vegetables

d)    Greater nutrient value

e)    Longer shelf life

f)     Better taste

g)    Less waste


E.   Growing multilevel food forests The combined effect of D, E, and F action creates virtual fire-proofing of the properties – a major benefit in an area prone to fire storms spreading into urban high density housing – a massive issue up the Australia East Coast.


F.    Food Distributing processes creating food (and other resources, e.g. humus, bio-organisms etc.) surplus to need for sharing and sale


G.   Evaluating, documenting, archiving, and sharing news of ways that work




A Story with Lessons from Life


In 1992, UN-INMA energised a Gathering Developing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Drug and Substance Abuse Therapeutic Communities at an Indigenous Therapeutic Community in a remote area of Far North Queensland, Australia. Laceweb arranged to have this Therapeutic Community reviewed by Dr Rex Haig within Enabling Environments’ Values Guidelines, receiving high commendation (refer References Section in Attachment). UN-INMA stands for ‘Unique Nurturers – Inter-cultural Normative Model Areas’. UN-INMA is a Laceweb Mutual Help Network linked to Unique Peoples. The Unique Peoples Treaty and the associated Young Peoples Healing Learning Code were both signed by Indigenous people and resonant others attending the above Gathering. The Gathering was funded without compromise by National Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NCADA) in Canberra now the National Drug Strategy (NDS), a cooperative venture between Australian, state and territory governments and the non-government sector.

Despite unsuccessful attempts at cultural imposition, this UN-INMA Gathering achieved its aims well. This 1992 Gathering was a micro-model precursor to the current Macro Project with the same themes, namely, Thriving Nature and Thriving Human Nature. The three themes of the Gathering were:


a)    Experiencing transforming at-risk Indigenous youth within a remote area vocational skills based therapeutic community

b)    How to carry out a Keyline Survey and gravity fed irrigating (with Dr Neville Yeomans brother Ken)

c)    Introducing Permaculture (led by two experienced Aboriginal Permaculture Consultants supported by a third Permaculture Consultant)

In 1993, the Australian Federal Government Health Department’s sub-section called ‘Rural Health Education and Training ‘(RHSET) wanted to fund UN-INMA hundreds of thousands of dollars to extend the work of the above Gathering to carry out a program providing holistic support to Indigenous communities on:


a)    Softening drug and alcohol abuse

b)    Stopping domestic violence

c)    Stopping civil disobedience and property damage

d)    Evolving humane caring alternatives to criminal and psychiatric incarceration


UN-INMA had come to the attention of the Prime Minister of Australia via the Health Minister from outcomes of that 1992 UN-INMA Gathering. While the proposed holistic mutual help activities and processes relating to the above four themes in no way fitted RHSET’s criteria for receiving funding for service delivery or met their outcome evaluation funding-criteria, the Departmental heads under pressure from both the Prime Minister and the Health Minister (who were both well aware of UN-INMA’s efficacy) so wanted the proposed deliverables, that RHSET wanted to waive all of their criteria. UN-INMA refused the funding, though in explanation, the succinct five page Laceweb document ‘Government and Facilitating Grassroots Action’ was written in 1993.  


Text Box:  When taken through the Government and Facilitating Grassroots Action document at a meeting in the Federal Capital, Canberra, the heads of department recognised that every Federal Department had no scope what-so-ever to engage with holistic proposals based upon common folk doing things for themselves in mutual help (in contrast to service delivery), especially proposals for action extending across departments, sectors and programs. The heads of department finally recognised firstly, that with their best will, their funding would inevitably compromise, harm and setback existing UN-INMA action, and secondly, that Laceweb Way was at least 30 years ahead of its time. They said that the government bureaucrats themselves recognised the issues of how to have sectorised bureaucrats firstly, cooperating as they ‘jealously guard’ their areas and secondly, coordinating – as they live, as it were, in concrete ‘silos’  and know little or nothing of what others are doing!


At present date, 31 years has passed since that meeting and no change has been made in government capacity to interface with holistic mutual help.



o   Equipping Politicians and Governments to Work well in Radical Modernity

o   Emerging Roles for Psychiatrists in the                                                       Age of Radical Modernity


A more detailed outline of the RHSET meeting and the many issues involved is contained in


With every respect, governance planners still think in sectorised service delivery terms - dividing a holistically integrated, totally inter-connected inter-related inter-depending system into separate categories and bits like police, emergency response, ambulances, health, culture, arts, entertainment, education, technology, science, farming and organics, conservation, environment, defence, disaster help, transport, law, commerce, etc., with little communication, cooperation, or coordination within and between the sectors. There is also a dearth of understanding or thought about self-help and mutual help and how service delivery may interface and integrate well with these community processes based upon people’s inalienable rights. Interfacing service delivery and mutual help is detailed in: and

(Click the cursor on Chapter Ten and add #correcting to your URL)

For processes for holistic transforming of sectorised bureaucrats – refer:

For another example of interfacing service delivery and mutual help,  refer: ‘Report from the War Zone’ at:   

Resolving the issues raised above is long overdue and implementing the Macro Project is a sound and fitting way towards system transforming action that still preserves the wisdom buried in the existing regulations.

The Laceweb document Interfacing Alternative and Complementary Well-being Ways for Local Wellness  is a resource for interfacing mutual-help and service delivery.

This theme is also explored in a set of papers Laceweb Home Page Section O Culturally Sensitive Response to Disasters




This Macro Project has potential to overlap with other Major Projects and Micro Projects of impeccable integrity with linked action and themes towards transforming life on Earth while recognising the Supreme Law and peoples’ inalienable rights. The Macro Project can provide Extegrity (Extensive Integrity) Oversight to the preparing and rollout of these Major Projects and Micro Projects. Refer: Declaration of Governance and Law:


The word human’ derives from Latin meaning ‘from the soil’ and shares the same root with ‘humus’, the soil – hence earthly beings. And if that Kimberley woman reconnected with her humanity - re-grounded to HER being in place it would have dawned on her that her son would definitely kill her if she rushed up to him.


It was inevitable that he would do that. Any approach would have to be very careful. Her disconnected obsessing had also disconnected her from HER culture. She had no sense of the implications of her son not experiencing the giving and receiving of compassion – of living WELL with others. She had radically harmed herself and her son – so is it with today’s obsessive accumulators. And they too are oblivious to the harm to themselves, let alone harm to others.




While massive, the Macro Project embraces ancient wisdom and a total natural systemic connecting in socially relating well with ourselves, each other and our world framed by a connecting to love and the One Source; Just as Water in its pure nature will not hold contamination, so this Macro project.  

Those with wise discernment are recognising the Source of Energy of this document and such discerners with funding capacity may breathe even more life into Wellness Actions and merge with common folk towards better futures for all peoples of planet Earth.




It is time for us to live in love, peace, prosperity and harmony as one big family.

It is time for thriving nature and thriving human nature to blossom on Planet Earth in realising the essence of life





The Macro Project is guided by local context and evolved by the local people in their own locales while engaging in mutual-help. In this nothing happens unless local people want it to happen and do it. There is nothing centrally or even locally that is preplanned to be core elements with milestones such that a few can do SWOT Analysis. Contexts are constantly changing in flux and flow – refer: Natural Living Processes Lexicon.


This differs from dominant system approaches where the few plan and implement the plan; the few decide independent of context and independent of peoples’ inalienable rights to decide, and then the few impose these decisions on local people and future contexts.

Given this clear difference in Way, in the spirit of interfacing, this Appendix A contains sections titled Core Elements (and milestones) and SWOT Analysis. These are typical of mainstream prescriptive sectorised step-by-step linear service delivery approaches where what is being done for others is preplanned and carried out regardless of context, and where context is changed to fit the plan.

However these sections have been included here to explore ways of transitioning to holistic mutual help of locals for locals. Refer: Interfacing Alternative and Complementary Ways for Local Wellness.

Consistent with themes, values and spirit of this Macro Project, actual rollout of Human Environment Transforming may differ between different communities of locals in differing geo-social locales.




A.    Acquiring ownership or long-term lease of properties in the peri-urban arc surrounding cities - Milestones:


a)    Topography search

b)    Property  Selection, Acquisition & Possession

c)    Nature-guided Keyline Survey and Design – bio-mimicry

d)    Design implementing (layout, water harvesting & working the soil – where nature does the change-work)

e)    Planting, care & harvesting


B.   Acquiring relevant plant, machinery, equipment and resources - Milestones:


Sourcing and acquiring specific plant machinery, equipment and resources: from smaller units through to very large ones modified and adapted to new soil production. There is a delightful irony that many of the machines being used to cover the Yeomans properties with houses, and asphalt (refer previous photo of the Yeomans Property) can be adapted to evolving thriving top-soil and restoring Paradise (what some wit termed ‘ironic machinery’):

a)    Large road profilers

b)    Asphalt paving equipment

c)    Vibrating screeners

d)    Spiral conveyers

e)    Tumbler-mixers


C.   Linking in the Permaculture community and resonant other people - Milestones:


a)    Running experiential co-learning gatherings

b)    Social Networking

c)    Evolving community mutual-help action for wellbeing

d)    Evolving cohesion, shared mood and passion


D.   Keyline and other resonant processes - Milestones:


a)    Carrying out Keyline Survey and Design

b)    Keyline contour mapping

c)    Keyline site works


                                                                                              i.      Dams and wetlands

                                                                                            ii.      Irrigating channels

                                                                                           iii.      Roads and fencing


d)    Extending the experience of people in Element C to include Keyline and Cultural Keyline


E.   New Fertile Soil generating processes - Milestones:


a)    De-compacting and hydrating surface soils

b)    Sourcing component organic and mineral materials

c)    Mixing components and spreading

d)    Collecting the draining inoculants and adding to the mix


F.    Growing multilevel food forests – Milestones:


a)    Planting

b)    Ongoing monitoring, watering, and care

c)    Harvesting


G.   Food distributing Process - Milestones:


a)    Linking in with NGOs supporting the disadvantaged and homeless

b)    Evolving food distributing networks


H.   Evaluating documenting archiving and sharing - Milestones:


a)    Tracking of Internet traffic activity on the Macro Project Archive - currently most activity in descending order:










b)    Uptake of Macro Project in other areas of the World




The Macro Project has already had over 50 years of Action Research. Refer History of Laceweb timeline in: (Program 12)


It’s intimately connected and woven into wider Laceweb Action Research. Macro Project action research engages in a total holistic systems way - constantly staying aware and scanning for, and sensing all of the interconnecting, inter-relating, inter-depending and interweaving that is happening, and this includes intertwined SWOT sensing.


Threats and Weaknesses are seen as coming with the advantage that in natural systems, threats and weakness may so perturb contexts that they may lead to potential for, and emergence of, sudden whole system transcending transition to higher and more unpredictable complexity and improved performance. (Refer the concepts of ‘bifurcation’ and ‘perturbing in the Natural Living Processes Lexicon.) This potential is sensed in each of the following threats and weakness. Laceweb Action has researched this phenomenon extensively. For one example, refer Program Five




Strengths: Initially, land ideal for Keyline processes will be selected to aid fast-tracking. Action research has provided a set of criteria for site selection. Suitably located land is available.

There’s strong community acceptance of having superb soil; evolving a Friends of the Macro Project Network involved in Field Days (the Yeomans would have over 1000 attend field days – refer photo of the January 2014 field day at the Yeomans Farms in North Richmond organised by the Art Gallery of NSW in Sydney, NSW, Australia as part of the Yeomans Project Exhibition celebrating PA Yeomans contributing to the Australian Art scene (Agriculture as art) during

The son, Neville also used art as Cultural Healing Artistry in his community action – refer:

Weaknesses: While in the current system, land may be affected by re-zoning, and land use and adapting of the properties restricted by current regulation. In the present system, demand drives up prices.


Opportunities:         Bold and innovative practises can be commenced immediately funding becomes available because of the Macro Projects long term action research, competence, and experience. There’s scope to massively increase the fertility of these properties; scope to use recycling and reuse of organic waste; Macro Project Action Research includes current capacity to purify contaminated water and to reconstitute contamination.

Threats: Identity information can be used to compromise and harm. All of the current issues in land purchase including acquisition of clear title. While under present system, peri-urban land may be rezoned for urban development (see Yeomans Farm photo above); transition to new eco-friendly governance would minimise this threat.

Currently, there are very significant regulatory hurdles to multiple-occupancy and community-title schemes.


A key issue for local government is the perceived pressure from the parties involved to revert to private ownership of small parcels of land around the multiple houses on the property leading to:


a)    Future pressure to subdivide agricultural land; breaking up property of sizes suitable for larger scale agriculture and farming into non-viable areas

b)    Sub-division requests come with a consequent demand for government funded roads, curbing, and other services adding financial burden on government funding


For transforming soil there are more Victorian regulations, examples:


1.    Development Plan Overlay (DPO1)

2.    Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

3.    Land Capability Assessment (LCA)

4.    Landfill Regulations

5.    State environment protection policies (SEPP)


When the aim is to return abundant living organisms to soil, regulations require death to all living organisms.




o   Unique Peoples are wisely circumspect and only engage and provide Identity information on a need-to-know basis consistent with sustaining wellness.

o   Obtaining information on the potential for re-zoning for the area of our intended properties.

o   Using conveyancing agencies to ensure legitimate ownership.

o   Reworking regulations for embracing holistic ecological and socio-ecological wisdom.

o   Capacity expansion met by evolving Learning Centres and Community Centres as well as field-based experiential learning and through everyday life exchange. 

Summary: This milestone is achievable


Strengths:  Relevant plant and machinery that will be ideal for the tasks is available.

Weaknesses: While earth moving and other useful machinery are readily available, currently, few purpose-built pieces of equipment are available for making the volumes and kinds of top soils being discussed.

Opportunities: Have scope to readily adapt machinery designed for other purposes and to design specific equipment for aspects of top-soil generating.

Threats: Being impeccable with occupational health and safety (OHS) as this reflects our fundamental theme of thriving, and it’s one of the key areas where the current system seeks intervention and control.


The Yeomans commencing their own engineering works is the model. P. A. Yeomans won the Prince Phillip Agricultural Design Award in 1974 for his plough Bunyip Slipper Imp with Shakaerator (that is it shakes and aerates reducing soil compaction).

Summary: This milestone is achievable



Strengths: The Macro Project can call on a mass of experience over fifty years in how to work well with people; plentiful resource people with a wide range of experience and competence are available.


Creating our own learning centre(s) and experiential rollout based on Cultural Keyline transforming methods and processes. This in turn develops a culture of continual improving and a more public accessibility to the experience and knowledge base of the transforming processes which are unique in expanding the organic culture. Refer references by Dr Rex Haig, Professor Violetta Bautista, and Professor Elizabeth Protacio De Castro.

A pool of people is available to become involved and processes to evolve people with relevant experience and competency are available.






Field days will allow people interested in growing their own food in their own backyards and community gardens to become competent and experienced in creating their own thriving soil in their own backyards. Experience shows that they too would soon have potential to create food surplus to their needs for sale, gifting and food swap.

Weaknesses: Potential resource people need support to change their vocation

Opportunities: Opportunity to evolve networks of resource people to continually expand the Macro Project. Resource people are available skilled in documenting the Macro Project’s Action Research during rollout to assist the adopting/adapting of the Macro Project in other contexts. People of diverse backgrounds from marginalised communities will have job opportunities bringing wellness through experiential learning and job offers.

Students can get formal qualifications based upon Macro Project Action. Already a number of PhDs and Masters have been based upon Laceweb Action and people have received vocational certificates based upon Macro Project Action. For example, a group of refugees received Certificate 4 in agricultural work skills. Also a number of people have had distinguished academic careers in part based upon Laceweb resonant Action Research. Some examples:

o   Professor Alf Clark – twelve years head of Sociology Department at La Trobe University in Melbourne (His PhD was on Dr Neville Yeomans (1927 - 2000) pioneering work in psychiatry in the 1960s

o   Professor John Cawte - founder of Transcultural Psychiatry Unit at University of NSW in NSW who worked closely with Dr Neville Yeomans (1927 - 2000) on Indigenous Psychiatry, Indigenous Psychology, and Transcultural Psychiatry

o   Professor Tony Vincent – Founder of University of NSW School of Social Work, and three years Head of NSW Department of Corrective Services.

o   Professor Paul Wilson Criminologist; nine year head of Australian institute of Criminology in Canberra, and Chair of Criminology at Bond University in Queensland


Threats: To screen out people claiming to support though attempting covert or open subversion




a)    Access to funds

b)    Processes have been evolved to identify, transform, distance and block potential subverters

c)    A core of competent experienced people is available


Summary: This milestone is achievable


Strengths: The Macro Project Way is holistic and involves people acting together in helping themselves and Earth – mutual help action for wellbeing in all of its forms. The experience of what works well is embodied in the Keyline, Cultural Keyline and Laceweb Way. Macro Project Way is continually allowing for and guided by constantly changing social and natural contexts. This differs from mainstream designing of programs that can be used anywhere at any time regardless of context (by imposing).

Weaknesses: The current shortage of competent experienced people due to the size of the expansion envisioned and the large number of properties being developed in a relatively short time frame. Currently, in the driest inhabited continent on Earth, extensive regulation prohibits, restricts, limits and/or controls the placing and building of dams and the harvesting of water.

Opportunities: To provide people experiential learning opportunities for gaining competence in the Macro Project Ways and utilizing the experience and competences they bring with them, hence giving the World more experienced, competent, and knowledgeable people to spread the transforming world-wide.


To increase the number of people with embodied knowing and experience, which will keep spreading - small groups will become larger groups networking world-wide. The Laceweb has a long history of spreading by networking and passing on ways that work. For networking, refer: and

Threats: Currently, sectorised restrictive regulations abound; currently, governments divide the world up into separate bits with different agencies and bits of agencies controlling the bits through differing regulatory control. Different regulations cover different land use. The Macro Plan envisages simultaneous multiple land uses.

Some examples of land use categories handled by differing regulations and zoning laws:

1.    Agriculture

2.    Conference Centres

3.    Education centre

4.    Recreational Facility

5.    Research and Development Centre

6.    Residential Village

7.    Restricted Place of Assembly

8.    Restricted Recreation Facility

9.    Rural Industry

10. Rural Store

11. Saw Mill

12. Store

13. Tertiary Institution

14. Timber Production


For example a proposed large-scale accommodation and conference centre on land zoned Farming Zone, may require seeking amendment of a zoning scheme to apply a more appropriate zone to the land, such as the Rural Activity Zone or a Special Use Zone. Adding in further proposed uses on the same property adds to zoning and regulation complexity. Under current regulatory frameworks, the above sample land uses have detailed, conflicting, and differing regulations. There is little or no cooperation or coordination between any of the differing regulatory entities or sub-entities and their bureaucrats and inspectors imposing administrative demands making it extremely difficult to have a holistic focus  embracing many or all of the above land uses applying on the same property – the economic life world influenced political life world intruding and imposing on the social life world closing down peoples inalienable rights to living well with nature in ways of their choosing.



Evolving over a metre deep of new soil in nine weeks in specially selected plots through to broad-acre with processes further evolving since the pioneering work of PA Yeomans in the 1950-1970 period and extended in action research from the late 1990s.

Processes particularly apply in creating safe thriving top soil environments in land compromised by landmines, unexploded ordinance, weapons fragments (carcinogens, mutagens and teratogens) and mining of all kinds.

Strengths: The Macro Project is in part based on PA Yeomans work recognised as the most significant person in farming and agriculture in the past 250 years (Mulligan and Hill). The Macro Project taps directly into free energy in nature which has a tendency to thrive when ideal conditions are present.

Valuable materials including bio-organisms, colloidal humus, colloidal charcoal and inoculants will be spread and not easily found to prevent theft (an ancient insurance method).

Weaknesses: The processes used tend to threaten vested interests

Opportunities: Large parts of Earth have degraded soils, loss of or contamination of top soils, and contamination of water – such that top soil and water are becoming recognised in some parts of the world as national security issues. This Macro Project is of Global Significance in addressing massive issues.  Developing inoculants in our food forests and forests for future needs. Strengthening our relationship with community waste sources such as food waste and sewage.


Text Box:  Threats:

Peri-urban bush fires and massive fire storms (a real concern in Australia). Theft of resources.



Peri-urban bush fires and massive fire storms are an ongoing issue in Australia and elsewhere. The Macro Project has potential to virtually fireproof properties. Properties that have Keyline Water Harvesting including systems of dams, water filled irrigating channels and wetlands, along with thriving top soils filled with abundant moist greenery, all act together to set up their own moist climates.


Plants growing in thriving mineralized top soils are also highly mineralised making them more fire resistant. (Photo of township destroyed in 2009).


Text Box:  
        Bush Fires during 1997- 2008

As an example, this potential for fireproofing of properties against firestorms would be a massive advantage in Melbourne where in Kinglake (58 km North East of Melbourne CBD) in 2009 bush fire intensity reached the highest levels ever recorded and escalated to firestorm activity heavily impacting rural, peri-urban and urban areas. The firestorm in the Kinglake area killed 173 and injured 414 and destroyed 4,500 structures - 2,030 houses including massive farm infrastructure - along with over 200 km (120 mi) of fencing. Fire behaviour was fierce, ferocious and destructive. It was generating its own 180 km winds independent of prevailing winds on the day, with fire starting 20 kilometres ahead of the storm fire-front by ember attack. On that occasion only a wind change stopped the fire storm entering into the Melbourne urban areas with high density housing!


Protecting our main product by continual physical presence of community members; strategically spreading resources lowers the risk of loss to natural causes such as bush fire or major storm


Summary: This milestone is achievable





Strengths:  Processes are well evolved and the thriving soil makes plant and tree growth easy

Weaknesses: Designing layout for ease of harvesting. Engineering and weight design issues for vertical farming in some urban and CBD contexts

Opportunities: Funding will allow massive expansion

Threats: Perturbing existing food growers



Having perturbing as potential for whole of system increase to higher orders of functioning (bifurcation)

Summary:     This milestone is achievable



Strengths: This Macro Project has scope to create food abundance well in excess of the food needs of direct participants enabling scope to distribute free food to the disadvantaged, currently homeless, the unwaged, and refugees

Weaknesses: Potential sabotage from NGOs who may see this as a threat to their activities and job security

Opportunities: Currently there are food deserts right in the centres of large cities where people with mobility issues can’t readily obtain fresh fruit and vegetables. Engage NGOs in distributing food and explore with them scope to support others in local-lateral mutual-help action.

Threats: Currently, sabotage from vested interests




Having perturbing as potential for whole of system increase to higher orders of functioning (bifurcation)


Summary: This milestone is achievable




Strengths: Macro Project Action Research in all aspects of the Rollout (including community action for wellbeing – festivals, gatherings, celebrations, and the like) will be photographed, videoed and audio recorded to add to the already very extensive archive of Ways, as well as being held as embodied knowing in an ever expanding community of people.


YouTube shows the thriving flow of life in the soil we generate 


A careful observation of micro-life behaviour may be inspiration for new mutual-help Practice!


Laceweb Links:



Weaknesses: Some may seek to eliminate this storehouse of experience

Opportunities: To conscientize regarding possible wellness futures (where masses are oblivious to the extent of world destruction) by having a working example of what can be achieved in evolving thriving nature and thriving people.


Threats: Resistance from entities perceiving Macro Project Way as a threat




Creating mirror Internet sites around the world and dispersed hard copy archives; this has commenced. Laceweb and the Macro Project Strengths and Opportunities can overcome weakness and threats

Summary: This milestone is achievable




Dr Rex Haig Biography

Rex is an NHS Psychiatrist who first trained in anti-psychiatry  (and social sciences) as a Cambridge Undergraduate, then in a therapeutic community for his clinical medicine in Oxford, and went on to become a GP in Cornwall. Being more interested in the psychosocial aspects of family medicine, he returned to Oxford to train as a psychiatrist, but was soon disillusioned with the uncritical acceptance of a predominantly biomedical model. His higher psychiatric training was therefore in psychotherapy and group analysis. He became an NHS consultant in Berkshire in 1994 in a unit for personality disorder. He received a research and travel award from the Health Foundation in 2002, and became a ‘wandering psychiatrist’ for seven years. He is the founder of the ‘Community of Communities’ quality network and ‘Enabling Environments’ project at the Royal College of Psychiatrists.


Areas of Competence:


a)    Therapeutic environments: establishment, development and maintenance

b)    Organisational dynamics: understanding the experience of containment

c)    Therapeutic community practice: leadership and innovation

d)    Group analytic psychotherapy : experiential learning

e)    Clinical psychiatry: assessment and management of complex emotional needs


Sample of Publications:


Kennard, D. and R. Haigh, 2009. Therapeutic Communities Chapter 6.3.9 in The New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry (2nd edition), 2009. Editor: Michael Gelder. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp 142-148.

Haigh, R. 2010. Grendon’s Contribution to Therapeutic Communities and Personality Disorder. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice (49, 5, 503-513. (Ed. Grendon is a Therapeutic Community Maximum Security prison in the UK with excellent recidivism rates)

Haigh, R. and R. Johnson, 2011. Social Psychiatry and Social Policy for the 21st Century: New  Concepts for New Needs: Relational Health. Mental Health and Social Inclusion 15, 2, 57-65.

Haigh, R., 2012. The Philosophy of Greencare: Why it Matters for our Mental Health” Mental Health and Social Inclusion 16, 3, 127-135.

Haigh, R., T, Harrison, R. Johnson, S. Paget, & S. Williams, 2012. Psychologically Informed Environments and the Enabling Environments Initiative. Housing, Care and Support 15, 1, 34 - 42

Johnson, R. & R. Haigh (eds.) 2012 Complex Trauma and Its Effects: Perspectives on Creating an Environment for Recovery.  Hove: Pavilion Professional.




Key areas include: ecology, biodiversity, environmental sustainability, psychosocial development and evolution, processes of change, and social ecology. Professor Hill has a very diverse academic background, including chemical engineering, zoology, ecology, cave ecology, ecological agriculture, ecological pest management, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development.

He is the Foundation Chair of Social Ecology at UWS, and a world leader in the application of ecological thinking, design/redesign approaches and social ecology (which involves reflective thinking, progressive change and creative approaches to issues through an understanding that everything we do, individually and collectively, impacts on ourselves, our community and our environment). Professor Hill has published over 350 papers and reports.


His latest books are Ecological Pioneers: A Social History of Australian Ecological Thought and Action (with Dr Martin Mulligan; Cambridge UP, 2001), Learning for Sustainable Living: Psychology of Ecological Transformation (with Dr Werner Sattmann-Frese; Lulu, 2008) and Social Ecology: Applying Ecological Understanding to our Lives and our Planet (with Dr David Wright and Dr Catherine Camden-Pratt; Hawthorn, 2011).




Professor Violeta Bautista is a professor of clinical psychology, currently heads the Clinical Psychology Program of the University of the Philippines, co-manages and holds therapy at Life Change Recovery Centre, is founding-chair and adjunct professor of Counselling at the Asian Theological Seminary, and is Director of Care and Counsel Wholeness Centre (CCWC): The Centre for Family, Workplace and Community Enhancement. Professor Bautista’s Classic Book on Resilience in Children:

Bautista, V., A. Roldan & M. Garces-Bacsal, 2001. Working With Abused Children - From the Lenses of Resilience and Contextualization. Save the Children Sweden, UP Centre for Integrative and Development Studies, and UP CIDS Trauma and Human Rights Program. Available from Internet Source sighted June 2014:




Psychology Department University of the Philippines

University of the Philippines Centre for Integrative Development Studies

Guest Professor Oxford University Graduate Summer School


De Castro E et al, 2005. Learning Experiences Study on Civil-Society Peace Building in the Philippines Volume 3:  Psychosocial  Trauma Rehabilitation Work. Internet Source sighted June 2014.

De Castro E. 2003. Negotiating Trust and Power: Parenting in the Context of Conflict Resolution. Save the Children, Sweden.

Balanon, F., E. De Castro, et al. 2003. Learning to Work Together. A Handbook for Managers on Facilitating Children’s Participation in Actions to Address Child Labour. Regional Working Group on Child Labour (RWG-CL) - Bangkok, Thailand.




Hill, S. 2014. Considerations for Enabling the Ecological Redesign of Organic and Conventional Agriculture: A Social Ecological and Psychological perspective. Bellon, Stéphane; Penvern, Servane (Eds.) 2014, XVI. Organic Farming, Prototype for Sustainable Agricultures. Avignon Cedex 09, France, Springer Science.

Holmes, J. M. (1960). The Geographical Basis of Keyline. Sydney, Angus & Robertson.

Laceweb, 2014. Keyline and Fertile Futures. Internet Source sited June 2014.

Mulligan, M. and S. Hill (2001). Thinking Like an Ecosystem - Ecological Pioneers. A Social History of Australian Ecological Thought and Action. Melbourne, Vic, Cambridge University Press.

Radio TC International, 2009d. Dr Neville Yeomans - Therapeutic Community Pioneers. Internet Source Sighted 23 Aug 2009.

Yeomans, K. (2005). Keyline Designs  Internet Source sighted June 2014

Yeomans, K. B. and P. A. Yeomans (1993). Water for Every Farm : Yeomans Keyline plan. Southport, Qld., Keyline Designs.

Yeomans, P. A. (1954). The Keyline Plan. Sydney, Yeomans.

Yeomans, P. A. (1955). The Keyline Plan, Yeoman's Publishing - Internet Source Accessed 1 October 2005.

Yeomans, P. A. (1956). "Now Keyline’s Originator Takes to the Field." The Riverlander (August): 15, 43-45.

Yeomans, P. A. (1958a). The Challenge of Landscape : The Development and Practice of Keyline. Sydney, Keyline Publishing.

Yeomans, P. A. (1958b). The Challenge of Landscape: The Development and Practice of Keyline. - Internet Source -

Yeomans, P. A. (1965). Water for Every farm. Sydney, Melbourne, Murray.

Yeomans, P. A. (1971a). The City Forest : the Keyline Plan for the Human Environment Revolution. Sydney, Keyline.

Yeomans, P. A. (1971b). The City Forest: The Keyline Plan for the Human Environment Revolution. Internet Source -

Yeomans, P. A. and Murray Valley Development League (1974). Preliminary Design Proposal for the City of Monarto. P. A. Yeomans Collected Materials - Mitchell Library, NSW. Sydney.

Yeomans, P. A. (1976). Speech at the UN Habitat ‘On Human Settlements’ Forum in Vancouver, Canada during 27th May to 11th June 1976. P.A.’s speech was entitled ‘The Australian Keyline Plan for the Enrichment of Human Settlement. P. 5-6.