The Young Persons Healing Learning Code


Posted Nov 2000. Last Updated April 2014.


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The following document was signed at Petford for Young Entreaties, a functional Laceweb matrix (CBO) in July 1992.

Resonant people, NGOs and Community Based Organisations (CBOs) may consider using this Learning Code.

This code or treaty follows steps taken in Rio, Brazil by Youth and Children (Young Persons). It also follows the Unique Healing Treaty .

Being Between:

Unique (Unrepresented and Indigenous) Young Persons (UYP) and other Individual or Independent Young Persons (IYP); all advised and assisted by older persons when requested; and

Because dominant and Western development models have failed to achieve the healing, Learning equality, fairness and development objectives promised to both Unique and Individual Young Persons, and

Because some Government Organisations (GOs) and some Non-Government Organisations and Persons (NGOs) have imposed dominant development models, programs and values in their projects, which have contributed to the deaths, particularly of Unique Young Persons; and to the destruction of the environment, and

Because Individual Young Persons respect the evolving declarations charters and agreements of Unique Young Persons, recognise all Young Persons rights to life, learning self-development, rights to shelter, protection, and to cultural, healing, identity and youth and children's rights;

The undersigned Young Persons and those young at heart hereby recognise and affirm the following code of ethics for Individual and Independent Young Persons when entering into joint activities with Unique Young Persons.

We agree and commit ourselves to:

1.    Transfer of Values: Existing practices and approaches of some Government Organisations (GOs), NGOs and some Individual and Independent Young Persons and their Organisations (IYPOs) contribute to what amounts to the imposition of Western and dominant values and culture on Unique Young Persons. This must be recognised; and approaches and models of equality, fairness and consensus should be adopted to minimise, reduce and heal these effects.

2.    Community control, management and ownership: Unique Young Persons programmes should be based on an ethic of self-development consensus. This takes into consideration Unique local control, management and ownership of projects and initiatives. These are based on local Unique values and cultural institutions.

3.    Community-based planning: Community-based planning and healing development based on principles of community participation will be the cornerstone of Unique Young Persons development supported by, and nurturing to, Independent Young Persons and their NGOs.

4.    Unique Young Persons Knowledge: The basis of Unique Young Persons development is Unique Peoples' knowledge, which is owned, collected, documented and carried out by Unique Peoples. Its stewardship may be celebrated with Independent Young Persons and their NGOs for the artistry of mutual benefit.

5.    Spirituality: This is the expression of the harmony of Unique Peoples in their way of life; and in their holistic communion with each other, nature and the land. Independent Young Persons should recognise, and can accept healing from such Unique spirituality.

6.    Respect: The principle of respect that is the foundation of Unique Peoples' human-development policy means respect for self, community, Mother Earth, other people and nature, as well as respect for the gifts and contributions of all forms of life. Independent Young Persons will be helped to learn this.

7.    Sharing: The principle of sharing should be the basis of healing relationships between Independent Young Persons and Unique Young Persons, with balance and caring at all levels, between individuals, community, others and Mother Earth.

8.    Technology: Unique Peoples' concepts and holistic technology are fundamentally different; therefore culturally appropriate skills and techniques must be found that can be applied and controlled by Unique Young Persons.

9.    Sustainable development: Unique Peoples' understanding and philosophy of development are based on cyclic and sustainable concepts and approaches that should be shared with Independent Young Persons to benefit them and their respective countries.

10. Capacity building: Unique Young Persons can expand their skills, knowledge and plans for healing, education, development and action in various programs and projects and in their own NGOs.

11. Unique Peoples societies: The practices of earlier colonizers must end - namely use of force, religion, schools and administrative policies and laws which promote dependency. The wisdom of interdependence will be shared with Independent Young Persons.

12. Unique Peoples models: Western and dominant models of development must not be used in designing programs and policies affecting Unique Young Persons; these practices must be stopped, in favour of those which help, heal and build solidarity, culture, values, and other relevant customs.

13. Unique Young Persons NGOs: Non-Unique Young Persons should support the development, training and financing of Unique Young Persons' NGOs.

14. New Unique Young Persons institutions: Non-Unique Young Persons should support the development of new kinds of regional and international institutions which coordinate and support Unique Young Persons in carrying out self-evolving planning.

15. Unique Young Persons financial institutions: Independent Young Persons should recognise that Unique Young Persons financial institutions must be managed and controlled by Unique Young Persons. This will promote economic, environmental and human development initiatives in the community; and learning for Independent Young Persons and their NGOs.

16. Financial management: Independent Young Persons and their NGOs should establish healing relationships, structures, and policies which make them more responsible and accountable for their development initiatives with Unique Young Persons.

17. Consultation and Agreement: NGOs should develop policies which provide fair consultative mechanisms to harmonize their policies with Unique Young Persons priorities, values and culture.

18. The undersigned parties agree to seek knowledge and assistance that embody compatible spiritual and cultural values. This will allow dominant non-Unique Young Persons to behave with humility and respect.

They may thereby seek spiritual lessons from past injustices, show how forgiveness can help heal the wounds inflicted between peoples, and promote the continuing healing of Mother Earth.

The above statements are now agreed to and affirmed in order to contribute to Unique Young Persons survival and self-development', to create a new partnership between dominant Independent Young Persons and their NGOs and Unique Young Persons, and to fundamentally change and heal the relationship between Unique Young Persons and dominant or Western Young Persons institutions, so as to correct and heal the mistakes and errors of recent centuries.

Signed 1992 at Petford, Australia
For Youth Entreaties

Organisation Address: Youth Entreaties. Yungaburra, Australia, Qld
Date: July 1992


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Inter-people Healing Treaty Between Non-Government Organisations and Unique Peoples

An Example of Enabling Indigenous Wellbeing



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