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Social Change
Posted Oct 2000. Last Update April
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Monograph by Dr Neville Yeomans,
July 1971
(Yeomans, N. T., 1971.Collected
Papers. Mitchell Library NSW, Vol. 1, p.295.).
Background to the paper
Neville began pioneering
social change in Fraser House in 1959. From the outset
Neville was exploring Global Reform and social processes for easing the
transition towards a more humane world.
Fraser House was a
micro-model of a dysfunctional culture - a community filled with the mad and
the bad. It was a self help community with residents evolving wellbeing
In 1962 Neville took time
away from being Head of Fraser House to search the world for the best place
to evolve an Intercultural Normative Model Area
(INMA) where ways of humane living together could be explored. He went to the
most oppressed people - the Indigenes and the disadvantaged/oppressed
micro-minorities and asked them, where in the world would it be best to
commence global humane change. Consistently the answer was given - 'The best
place is in the remote regions of Far North Australia.
Neville wrote the poems, 'INMA' and 'On Where' to encapsulate his
healing aspirations and the place identified by the oppressed people he had
spoken to.
Neville extended the
ideas in the following monograph in his paper entitled, Global Reform -
International Normative Model Areas written in 1974. Another link to
that paper is at the conclusion of the monograph.
Dr Neville Yeomans
In a social system the
growth phase creates new norms and values. These are codified, formalised and
elaborated in the mature, stable phase. They are then meaningful rituals and
ceremonies which provide a stable background to human interaction and
In the phase of decline,
norms and values lose their relationship to the reality of the system's
behaviours. They become meaningful rules which people do not follow.
The decline phase may be
absolute or unirrelative to the general movement of other cultures. The so
called Decline of the West is purely relative in the technological sense. In
the cultural sense its decadence may be actual.

The take off point for the next
cultural synthesis, (point D) typically occurs in a marginal culture. Such a
culture suffers dedifferentiation of its loyalty and value system to the
previous civilization. It develops a relatively anarchical value orientation
system. Its social institutions dedifferentiate and power slips away from
them. This power moves into lower level, newer, smaller and more radical
systems within the society. Uncertainty increases and with it rumour. Also an
epidemic of experimental organisations develop. Many die away but those most
functionally attuned to future trends survive and grow.
Australia exemplifies
many of these widespread change phenomena. It is in a geographically and
historically unique marginal position. Geographically Asian, it is
historically Western. Its history is also of a peripheral lesser status.
Initially a convict settlement, it still remains at a great distance from the
core of Western Civilization. Culturally it is often considered equivalent to
being the peasants of the West. It is considered to have no real culture, a
marked inferiority complex, and little clear identity. It can thus be
considered equally unimportant to both East and West and having little to
BUT - it is also the only
continent not at war with itself. It is one of the most affluent nations on
earth. Situated at the junction of the great civilisations of East and West
it can borrow the best of both. Of all nations it has the least to lose and
most to gain by creating a new synthesis.
Much has been written of
the Post-Industrial or Human era. The world is at the threshold of this.
There is now the capacity to produce more food, more electrical and other
energy, more transportation facilities, more knowledge and more communication
than present institutions and bureaucracies can effectively distribute.
Creative consumption is prevented by maladministration, whether this be of
knowledge, food, travel or any of the facilities now technically available.
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