A Glossary of Commonly Used Laceweb Words


Written 1998. Updated April 2014.


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 Meanings of words in this Glossary are those that may be used within the Laceweb and often differ considerable from normal meanings.

A far more extensive glossary of Laceweb terms is contained in the Healing Ways Encyclopaedia

Any word italicised in the definitions are included in the Glossary


Themes based open Agendas are the norm. What may happen during our time together? It is an open shared broad understanding evolved by locals. It focuses on (i) sharing healing ways towards aspects of wellbeing desired by the locals (ii) exploring ways of extending the links between healers. It may be vague at the outset of the gathering and flexibly emerge from exchanges during the gathering.


'Consensus' means that all agree on something. In 'consensual exploring' we are seeking what we share and understand in common. If a healing way 'works' for a number of people, it may be passed on to others in the community as 'something that works. It may be added to healing ways used by the community. Consensual exploring may extend both the healing network and the number of healing ways. More people may become involved and share in experience of  healing ways that work.


A space rich with shared meanings (refer frame)


It is possible to use our senses of seeing, hearing, feeling etc. internally - we can for example, see with our 'mind’s eye'. When we do this, we can do it as if we are looking normally out of our own eyes. When we 'dissociate', we take an 'observer' position so we shift our perspective to watching ourselves engaging in what is happening. This 'distancing' of ourselves may lower the intensity of feelings we experience.


To enable people to enrich the range of healing ways they can use on themselves and others in self-help and mutual-help towards wellbeing.


To support people to be more able. The enabler may assist local people share ways healing the mind, body and communal life. Enablers may assist in evolving a shared healing context - for example, this is a time and place where we may respectfully help each other (self-help) in sharing self-healing. Locals determine if and when things happen and what needs are addressed. The enabler is a resource that may be used if the locals want the enabler's assistance.


Refer the terms enabling and healing


Moral principles and a moral code that may be used as a nurturing guide to conduct. The Laceweb's ethics have been evolving and being refined for over thirty years (refer Laceweb Ethics Statement at end of this Glossary)


To unfold, open out, extend, enrich, unroll. Used (i) in talking about extending and coming up with new healing ways and how and when to use and combine them, (ii) in developing and finding new enablers and healers and (iii) in creating new links between small groups of nurturers.


To seek to find out things. The process of discovering what works and what changes may be made to have something work.


A frame 'sets off' and enriches a painting. Other things may be framed. A frame may help in establishing meaning. Suppose you have decided to have a few friends over to your place - We may set up a meaning frame as we invite people, e.g.:

'It's to dance. Bring your drums and food to share. We'll have a fire and catch up with what everyone has been doing.

A 'frame' may be an actual or symbolic border - an edge, setting something apart, creating a space (*), a place (*) and/or context (*). A frame can put a 'boundary on a context. This is a context of a 'particular kind'. This is what is going on. These concepts are described more fully in the Concepts and Frameworks section of Healing Ways Encyclopaedia.

A frame can clarify the meaning of behaviour. For example, a person sees another jumping around outside in a 'crazy' fashion - clutching his shirt. Discovering that a poisonous spider has fallen down that person's shirt 'frames' what's going on, or more particularly, reframes (changes the frame) - it changes 'crazy' into 'self care'. Framing and reframing can be extensively used in healing.


A simple structure that ideas and action can be added to - just like we sometimes use in building a house. Laceweb frameworks are a little bit like flat spider's webs. Anyone present at a healing context can add to the web. We all make it together. Enablers do not bring along fully made webs. All present help in creating the framework that meets everyone's needs.


A person who heals.


Following the original meaning – to make whole. To do any nurturing thing that will increase 'wellness' - wellbeing - being well.


To take healing action, to mediate


Linking is with local co-equals. It is a flat structure. This is why the word lateral, meaning 'sideways', is used. No one person is 'in charge'. Really, everyone involved energises what happens.


We all make internal representations or 'maps' in our mind about what happens to us. We make our own 'representations'. We make, as it were, maps of the territory. And importantly, the map is not the territory! We would never make this confusion between a map and the chunk of land that it re-presents. And yet many people mistakenly view their map as THE TERRITORY - the Truth.

Probably you have shared an experience with a few others and then, when you have recalled it later, everyone seems to have a different version of what happened. Sometimes it is as if you we're all at different happenings. These differences tend to happen for a number of reasons. For example, different people may attend to different aspects of what is happening. Some people see more of what's happening. Others hear more of what's happening. Others may get more of a feel for what is happening. Some people are off in their heads and may know little of what is happening when they are standing right beside you! People may further filter what they attend to. For example, some people tend to filter for what is, for them, 'right' about what is happening. Others filter for what is, for them, 'wrong'. Clarifying each person's 'maps' can help untangle social conflict and assist us be more helpful nurturers.


To act as a go-between - as a peace-healer. The term is used to describe a form of healing therapy which has as a primary aim enhancing relationships between and healing a group of dis-eased people - 'mediation therapy'


People learn by experiencing a little bit of a healing way - hence the term 'micro', meaning small. Typically, once a person has experienced a number of little bits of a healing way, they may quickly learn to appropriately flow these bits together. Having personally experienced what the healing way is like may assist them to pass it on to others.


A description of the key aspects of what to do and how to do it. It is like a cake recipe. It acts as a guide to action, similar to the small card-board houses architects make so we can see what the house will be like when it is built.


Often local healers may have been using a healing way with no real idea of what they are doing - what the key bits are. Because of this, they may have little or no capacity to pass the way on to others. Some Laceweb enablers have an ability to 'model' another healers behaviour. By 'unpacking' and making a model of what the other person is doing, the key bits may be passed on so that others may soon be able to use the same healing way.


Caring for and supporting another's self help towards wellbeing.


For most of the time at Laceweb healing gatherings people may be experiencing healing ways individually, in pairs, or in small groups. When all present at a healing gathering come together again it is called 'returning to plenary session'. Typically, these are useful times for all to share and compare understandings and experience.


A process where a person claims that others have attributes and mental factors that are really in themselves.


People that are 'getting on very well with each other' are said to 'be in rapport' or 'have rapport with each other'. The natural tendency for people in rapport is to start 'matching' many of the other person's behaviours. For example, they may begin to speak at the same pace, intensity, and volume. They may stand or sit in similar ways and use similar hand gestures. They may have the same breathing pattern. There are simple things that people may easily learn to do to help in building rapport with others.


It is a healing nurturing processes restoring and furthering a relationship when it is strained or has broken down. Reconciling is one of the aspects of mediating.


Refer 'frame'


A person taking shelter and protection away from danger and distress (taking refuge) away from their normal place of living - away from religious, political or other oppression and persecution - generally in another country.

Refer Preparing for and Responding Well to Disasters - PRWD


Self help healing action towards wellbeing (being well).


Laceweb action involves people helping themselves and each other


Each of our senses modes (or categories, i.e, seeing, hearing, feeling etc.) have a number of sub-modes. Some examples of the visual sub-modes are colour, shape, form, saturation and location. Note that some sub-modes can have a range, such as distance (close-far away), and others are of an 'either/or' variety, such as foreground/background. They could be simply called 'sensory detail'. A number of healing ways make use of sensory submodalities


From the Greek word 'soma' meaning body. For example 'somatic therapy' is a term used for therapies centred on the body. An example is the awareness through movement process called Feldenkrais.


Sequential bits of sensory experience which lead to varying outcomes ('excellent' through to 'poor'). People, without being aware of it, use hundreds of strategies every day. For example, (see a word in the mind’s eye) (get a familiar 'looks correct' feeling) may work well as a spelling strategy. (Hear a word) and (spell the word how it sounds) is generally a poorer strategy. The word yacht may end up being spelt 'yot'. Some strategies have more than two bits.

Often, traumatised people are locked in on a simple two step sensory experience. People may learn healing strategies on how to interrupt or collapse poor strategies.


Healing ways leading to wellbeing


Where a person shifts or transfers positive or negative feelings derived from elsewhere, on to another person or group


Healing self help towards wellbeing.


To inflict mental and/or physical pain


All the aversive experience that is the consequence of awful and dreadful happenings to self or others. It includes emotional and other mind and body pains and mindbody dysfunction including for example, pervasive loss of energy and will, depression, social withdrawal and sleep disturbance. Trauma tends to be ongoing unless healing action interrupts it.


People who have survived trauma (see above). They may have a number of healing ways that they are using to help them come to terms with their trauma.


A person killed or injured during some happening


The term 'wellbeing' means the state of 'being well' and includes mind, body, habitat, communal, economic, emotional, family, spiritual, environmental and agricultural wellbeing.


The following ethical frame-work is a model which may be used:

For enablers and nurturers:

o    to help others help themselves

o    to use the self help action model in supporting other people taking self help action in enriching wellbeing

o    to recognise the worth of each individual

o    to show respect for the integrity of others by responding to each person's unique resources and by appropriately recognising and responding to the differences among people

o    to be responsible for using their caring, sharing, playing, mediating and healing micro-experiences to increase people's knowledge, understanding, playfulness, welfare and happiness

o    to make - while using their micro-experiences - every effort to protect the wellbeing of those seeking their support

o    to use their micro-experiences only for purposes consistent with positive mutual outcomes

o    to show respect for the integrity of all non-human life and non-life forms - nurturing the land, air, rivers and sea


Enablers and nurturers:

o    to represent fully and accurately their own level of caring, sharing, playing, mediating and healing micro-experience, credentials and areas of competence.

o    to encourage the spread of humane and playful micro-experiences within the general community.

o    to accept responsibility for their work and its consequences

o    to use every endeavour to ensure that their support is used appropriately and ecologically

o    to make every effort to continue to expand the limits of their own models and maps of the world, and to increase their competence through new learning

o    to only make such statements and claims in representing his/her actions that are true and accurate to the best of his/her information

o    to make no statement or claim that gives false information about his/her actions or about actions of other Enablers and nurturers

o    to present the nature and purpose of their approach in language which can be understood and evaluated by other people

o    to openly and freely represent the nature of outcomes and processes used in self help action.

o    to offer referral to other enablers and nurturers should it become reasonably clear that the recipient of support provided by a enabler/nurturer is not benefiting from such support

o    to openly and freely represent the nature of conflicts of interest involving those for whom they provide support

o    to avoid exploitative relationships with others for whom they provide support


For enablers and nurturers:

o    to recognise the current limits of their personal competence and of the caring, sharing, playing, mediating and healing processes, any other personal limitations and/or problems that might interfere with providing appropriate support to others.

o    to seek feedback from others qualified to give it, where such limitations or problems are suspected to refrain from further support where their own limitations or problems would interfere


For enablers and nurturers:

o    to act publicly in ways aimed to enhance rather than detract from the community's perception of the humane, playful approach, its practitioners, or practices

o    to make any statements to the others such that they provide balanced representations of the playful humanity model and its limits. Such statements will be aimed to inform others about the principles of humanity and playfulness, and to assist others in making informed decisions and choices. While an enabler's and nurturers' personal standards and ethics are generally a private matter, the ethical standards of the humane, playful, together community take precedence insofar as they affect the public perception of the Laceweb Approach.



For enablers and nurturers:

o    to sufficiently understand the competencies of related fields to make appropriate referrals to other groups.

o    to show respect for micro-experienced persons in related fields by learning and aknowledging their customary procedures when interacting with them.

Other links:

Laceweb Home Page


A far more extensive glossary of Laceweb terms (265k.) is contained in:
Healing Ways Encyclopaedia


Other Glossaries:

Laceweb Concepts and Frames

Laceweb Natural Living Processes


Macro Futures:

On Global Reform and International Normative Model Areas (Inma).



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